Helping you find government information and services

Family and Community

Discover information on births, deaths and marriages, child care, relationships, housing and social issues.

Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)

As the Government's principal source of research expertise on families, the Institute conducts research and communicates findings to policy makers, service providers and the broader community about factors that affect family wellbeing.

Australian Institute of Family Studies

Birthday and anniversary messages

Australians celebrating a special birthday or wedding anniversary can receive personal congratulations from the Prime Minister, Governor-General or The Queen. Provides information on who is eligible and details for arranging the message.

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Child Family Community Australia

Provides an information exchange for practitioners, policy makers, service providers and researchers working with children, families and communities.

Australian Institute of Family Studies

Families and children

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Provides information about programs and services and benefits and payments to help support families and children.

Department of Social Services

Family life

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Provides links to a range of health information for living in a family. Topics covered include babies, childhood, family nutrition, family breakdown, parenting and child health issues. Healthdirect provides links to some of Australia's most authoritative health organisations and their websites.

Healthdirect Australia Ltd

Find & Connect

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Brings together historical resources relating to institutional ‘care’ in Australia. Get help to find records about your childhood in ‘care’ or connect with support groups and services in your state/territory.

Find & Connect Web Resource Project

Finding a missing friend or relative

The National Library of Australia provides a series of answers to frequently asked reference questions. This page provides brief information that may be of assistance in undertaking searches for missing people or lost friends

National Library of Australia

Household assistance

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Ongoing assistance is available for eligible households through a number of different payments.

Department of Human Services

Learning Potential

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Provides supporting information for a campaign to help parents to be more involved in their child's learning.  Useful tips and ideas to help you make the most of the time you spend with your child.

Department of Education and Training

National Health Services Directory

Search the directory to find health services near you. Provides information about GPs, pharmacies, hospitals and emergency departments.

Healthdirect Australia Ltd

Online estimators (DHS)

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Choose an estimator to calculate your entitlements e.g Centrelink payments, child support and child care. Online estimators let you estimate or compare payments, based on your current or proposed circumstances.

Department of Human Services

Report a missing person

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You don't have to wait 24 hours to report someone as missing. If you have serious concerns for the safety and welfare of a person, and their whereabouts are unknown, then you may immediately report them missing to local police by filing a missing persons report.

Australian Federal Police

Service Finder

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Information on government and community support on a wide range of family related issues. You can select your state and the areas of interest.

Department of Human Services

Translating and Interpreting Service

An interpreting service for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients. The majority of TIS National services are free to non-English speakers. Generally the organisation you are contacting will accept the charges for the service.

Department of Immigration and Border Protection

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