Helping you find government information and services

Service delivery

Find information about the efficiency of government service delivery.

Australian National Audit Office publications

Links to a wide range of publications including audit reports, assurance activities and better practice guides.

Australian National Audit Office

Digital Transformation Agency

The Digital Transformation Agency exists to make it easy for people to deal with government, by helping government transform services to be simple, clear and fast.

Digital Transformation Agency


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Content management and website hosting for government, making it easier for agencies to create modern, affordable, responsive websites.

Department of Finance


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Publish, discover and access a broad range of artefacts used within Commonwealth, States and Territories entities, such as frameworks, guidelines, policies, standards, architectural models, open source software and a host of other ICT and business artefacts.

Department of Finance


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An online communications platform that hosts public blogs and other engagement websites on behalf of Australian government agencies.

Department of Finance

Report on Government Services

Examines the equity, efficiency and cost effectiveness of government services. Reports are produced annually and cover topics including child care, education, training, justice, emergency management, health, community services, housing and homelessness.

Productivity Commission

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