The move to slash Sunday penalty rates could face a legal and political battle, with Opposition Leader Bill Shorten vowing to stop the cuts.

Australia Post director Ahmed Fahour resigns just weeks after his $5.6 million was revealed by a Senate committee, which dismissed calls for it to be concealed from the public.

Former federal treasury head Ken Henry lashes out at the political and media dysfunction that he says has led to reform paralysis, saying over the last decade almost every major infrastructure project had turned into a fight.

What are the arguments for and against to cut Sunday penalty rates for some hospitality, retail and fast-food workers?

Video 4mins 9secs

Fair Work Commission president Iain Ross announces the Commissions' findings on Sunday and public holiday penalty rates which will be reduced for hospitality, retail and fast food workers

Sunday and public holiday penalty rates will be reduced for full-time and part-time workers in the hospitality, retail and fast-food industries, the Fair Work Commission rules.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton backtracks on his comments on the refugee resettlement deals between Australia and the US, saying he has "been clear that it's not a people swap".

New Hope, the company behind the New Acland coal mine on Queensland's Darling Downs, is silencing nearby farmers in signed agreements, an environmentalist says.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop meets with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to discuss global security and how the two nations will prepare for foreign fighters attempting to return if Mosul is successfully liberated.

A class action against the Australian Government alleging Indonesian boys jailed for people smuggling were held in adult prisons will be heard in a Jakarta District Court today.

Video 5mins 58secs

Beverley O'Connor speaks to the Lowy Institute's Sam Roggeveen about US President Donald Trump's ongoing unpredictability.

Video 5mins 20secs

Beverley O'Connor speaks to the Crawford Fund's John Anderson about the importance of food security to regional and political stability.

With the Fair Work Commission's long-awaited decision on weekend penalty rates handed down, a fierce political fight is reignited between Labor and the Coalition.

Video 28mins 1sec

Host: Ellen Fanning
Panel: Chip Rolley, Mark Di Stefano and Daisy Cousens
Interview with: Jamie Hyams & Amin Saikal
The panel discusses the Israeli PM’s visit, Milo Yiannopoulos’ book cancellation & Dimmi’s restaurant booking site blacklisting no-shows.

The Federal Government has moved to loosen importation laws on medicinal cannabis, and people who use it say they are cautiously optimistic.

Video 1hr 6mins

Lawyer and former US Congressman Bob Inglis addresses the National Press Club in Canberra on how conservatives can lead on climate action in the age of Donald Trump.

As the Australian National University opens its new $53-million student accommodation block, other students say they are being locked out of the rental market by exorbitant pricing.

Bob Inglis was a Republican Congressman who once thought climate change was "nonsense" for the "other tribe". Now, he's on a mission in Australia to convince conservatives to fight for the environment.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praises his Australian counterpart Malcolm Turnbull for calling out the "hypocrisy" of the United Nations.

The Government looks set to unwind the Medicare rebate freeze in the May budget, in a move that could cost in excess of $3 billion.

The Foreign Minister and the Immigration Minister appear to be at odds about whether the US refugee resettlement deal was part of a people swap.

Malcolm Turnbull rebukes the United Nations for adopting "one-sided resolutions" critical of Israel, as Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in Australia for the first official visit by an Israeli prime minister.
