A cattle producer says a NBN satellite internet installer struggled to find her property using a helicopter, despite having GPS coordinates.

The Territory Government resists calls to have an independent watchdog investigate the three NT utilities corporations at the centre of a multi-million-dollar staffing blowout.

Parents are being reminded to pre-vet every app their young children download amid renewed concerns that virtual reality gaming is exposing minors to sexual advances.

The federal Attorney-General approves the prosecution launched against protesters who broke into top-secret military base, Pine Gap.

Environmental lawyers and the mining industry are calling for greater transparency over the Northern Territory Government's handling of millions of dollars collected through the legacy mine levy.

Preventing sexual violence is everyone's responsibility, but we need to be careful about how we do it, writes Bianca Fileborn from UNSW.

Quarantine staff feared three years ago staff cuts would threaten the biosecurity of Australia's multi-million-dollar agricultural industries.

There are now 200 more people employed by the NT's three utilities companies than before they were split, which has cost more than $70 million so far, insiders say.

Glenice Grieve says she sent her son, Zak, news stories of a report criticising Darwin prison's facilities but the Corrections Department blocked their delivery.

There are plans to wipe out one in five of Australia's remaining feral rabbits with a new strain of the calicivirus to be released next week.

Video 40secs

Some homes in the community of Borroloola on the Gulf of Carpentaria have been evacuated with 74 residents sheltering elsewhere, as they wait for Cyclone Alfred to make landfall about sunrise on Tuesday.

Tropical Cyclone Alfred weakens to a tropical low as it begins to make landfall on the Gulf of Carpentaria's southern coast.

World War II veterans and descendants of those who perished during Japanese air raids over Northern Australia gather to honour and remember those who lost their lives.

The draft environmental impact statement for a Red Centre salt mine says it will also be used as deep storage space for archival material and hazardous waste.

Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory are not in agreement on whether section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act should be changed, a federal inquiry hears.

The NT Government says the matter of compensation for native title holders in Timber Creek is a test case for the nation, with Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia facing the possibility of similar claims.

One of three mates who emerged unharmed after their boat overturned in crocodile-inhabited waters says he won't be buying a lottery ticket after the experience.

Shacks in the fishing village of King Ash Bay in the Northern Territory's Gulf of Carpentaria are being flooded by the McArthur River.

Homes in the community of Borroloola on the Gulf of Carpentaria are evacuated, with 74 residents sheltering elsewhere while waiting for Cyclone Alfred to make landfall.

Is year 12 really worth all the stress, and does it prepare you for the real world? Students who self-documented their entire final year for the ABC give their verdicts.

A 15-year-old is arrested is arrested over a his suspected involvement in a home invasion and an assault on an 87-year-old woman.

Three men in Kakadu National Park are lucky to have emerged unharmed after their small boat overturned in crocodile-inhabited waters, forcing two of them to swim across the South Alligator River, police say.

Survivors and veterans of the bombing of Darwin 75 years ago have been honoured for their role in preserving freedom and rebuilding peace.
