Slow-clap for ScoMo's dodo; equity crowdfunding legislation that is already extinct

Treasurer Scott Morrison is pushing through equity crowdfunding legislation which, even he, admits is out of date.
Treasurer Scott Morrison is pushing through equity crowdfunding legislation which, even he, admits is out of date. Andrew Meares
by Ed Husic

We're currently living through the Turnbull Government's second crack at introducing equity crowdfunding to Australia.

And – amazingly – it won't be the last attempt either.

That's because Treasurer Scott Morrison has already flagged in the House of Representatives future changes to the latest equity crowdfunding bill before it even gets debated in the Senate. Remarkable.

The Senate will actually consider a bill putting forward a system that may face extinction or redundancy some time in "the near future", using the Treasurer's own words.

Labor MPs Ed Husic (l) says the government's equity crowdfunding legislation is already as dead as a Dodo and believes ...
Labor MPs Ed Husic (l) says the government's equity crowdfunding legislation is already as dead as a Dodo and believes it should be done properly the first time. Alex Ellinghausen

If in a few weeks' time the Senate merely waves through the Treasurer's soon to be extinct system of crowdfunding, we'll be slow-clapping the arrival of "Sco-Mo's Dodo".

It shouldn't be this way. The equity crowdfunding bill should get things right the first time.

The key problem with the proposed framework for the equity crowdfunding bill is it effectively locks out 99 per cent of small businesses and start-ups through a demand to convert into an unlisted public company before approaching the crowd for capital.

That figure of 99 per cent isn't plucked out of thin air – it's the conclusion of Dr Marina Nehme, senior lecturer at UNSW Faculty of Law, who noted that the unlisted public company demand excludes "over 99.7 percent of companies".

Self-defeating rules

In Dr Nehme's words: "Such a reality defeats the purpose for introducing legislation to facilitate (equity crowdfunding) as only a very small minority of companies will be able to raise funds through this mode of finance."

As co-founder of start-up, Andy Giles, told this newspaper: "Currently, the thought of switching to a public company to avail ourselves of a potential wider investor base is unthinkable." Others have labelled the move an "unnecessary administrative burden".

The decision to make a company public should be made by businesses when they are good and ready, not because they're forced to do so by a government just to access capital.

The Opposition has repeatedly said we'd work with the Government to viably deal with this issue – only to be told by Government they would fix this up on their own down the track.

It makes no sense. Even the Turnbull Government's own Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell agrees, submitting this to a recent Senate Inquiry into the Bill: "…we believe it would be more straightforward for small business if the current amendments were held off so that the full package of amendments were introduced at the same time."

Praise over performance

The Turnbull Government's not interested in getting it right - it's interested in getting the applause, saying it's done something – anything – on equity crowdfunding.

There are other things that are concerning about the Bill. For example, Labor has flagged for some time that we wouldn't be comfortable with any moves to dilute the simplest of investor protections: a five-day cooling off period giving retail investors time to re-think large investment decisions.

The Government has bought the line pushed by some in the crowdfunding sector that a longer cooling off period would allow competitors a chance to game crowdfunding campaigns.

Instead of beefing up the powers of the regulator ASIC to crackdown on this behaviour, the Turnbull Government sided with calls to make ordinary retail investors shoulder more risk by cutting the amount of time they have to re-consider investment decisions to just two days.

It flies in the face of broader financial services reform – to give more power and protection to retail investors, not less. Labor will push for amendments to ensure retail investors are better protected.

On top of this, we're interested to see greater detail from the Government about planned regulatory oversight of the new system – and an outline of its investment in public awareness campaigns to build retail investor know-how about equity crowdfunding.

The Bill's current shortcomings can be fixed. The Opposition remains committed to working with the Government on this. We have just as much of a stake in equity crowdfunding's success – when in Government, Labor made the initial push to lay the groundwork for equity crowdfunding's introduction.

In fact, if the Government decided to heed the advice of stakeholders and suspend the Bill until the problems with it were remedied, we would welcome – not criticise – the move.

We know within the start-up community that equity crowdfunding won't be everyone's cup of tea – but it's going to be someone's cup of tea and we should make sure we have a framework that works as well as it possibly can for start-ups and investors.

Ed Husic is a Labor MP and is opposition spokesman on the digital economy