Elizabeth Lewis-Gray, chair of the Mining, Equipment, Technology and Services Centre, says mining services companies ...

Mining services struggling but hopes rising

The mining services sector, like most of the resources industry, has been doing it tough over the past few years but some in the business see evidence – mixed and patchy – that the trough has bottomed and an improvement is in sight.

One analyst predicts an annualised growth rate of 3.6 per cent for the industry from 2016 to 2021, after a rate of ...

Pressure on iron ore price to continue

The price pressure on the iron ore sector shows no sign of decreasing in 2016, and might even increase. But the big producers in Australia are continuing to power ahead with increasing volumes and lower production costs.

Trade Minister Andrew Robb recently led a highly successful business delegation to Indonesia.

Conference circuit can unlock doors

Australian resources companies might be finding the domestic environment tough at the moment, but some of them are finding opportunities on the global stage, with the first step often being participation in a trade show, exhibition or conference.