Treasurer Scott Morrison says he wants more greater choice and stronger governance in the sector.

SMSF sector growing but wary

Australia's self-managed super fund (SMSF) sector continues to break records even as trustees brace themselves for potential wide-ranging legislative changes in the next Budget.

Lettuce is being grown inside converted warehouses  with the arrival ofvertical farming.

Turning warehouses into farms

Aerofarming, also known as vertical or 'skyscraper' farming, is a futuristic model of indoor farming taking off in warehouses in cities in Japan, the US and Singapore.

Livestock can be now be monitored in real time via sensors.

Smart farming moves from lab to paddock

Amidst the rolling pastures of Armidale, NSW sits a state-of-the-art "farmhouse", inside which trainee farmers sit glued to mounted screens tracking fluorescent dots across digital paddocks.

Profitability is the key to modern farming.

GRDC focusing on public-private partnerships

Chairman of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), a leading government research organisation in the Australian grains industry, Richard Clark said his organisation would continue to provide a bigger 'bang for bucks' for the farmers whose levies form a key part of the GRDC budget.

National Farmers Federation CEO Simon Talbot says many young farmers are optimistic about the future.

Agribusinesses lifts the bar

The "innovation" economy and its highly-prized reward – productivity – has a new frontier: agriculture – and the terrain is vast.