Sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick says gender equity strategies that are not working need to be thrown out.

More women on boards a necessity

The journey from the kitchen to the boardroom has been a long one for women and even the recent talk to encourage diversity in Mahogany Row has not seen much improvement in gender equity.

Labor senator Sam Dastyari is chairing the Senate inquiry into foreign bribery and corruption.

Being naive no longer an option

With the instigation in June of a Senate inquiry into foreign bribery and corruption, scheduled to report in July 2016, the spotlight has been turned on to how Australian companies conduct business overseas.

Katie Spearritt

Why diversity is important

Slowly, the nation's boards are getting more diverse: the latest data from the Australian Institute of Company Directors research shows that at 30 June 2015, 20 per cent of directorships in companies in the S&P;/ASX 200 Index were women.

Inclusive people skills are crucial for a 21st century executive.

Ethics at the board level

Quite apart from the technical and numerical skills that are required, today's executives and directors need a strong understanding of ethics and governance issues, heightened inter-personal skills and a deep sense of the cultural 'fit' of their organisation in both the local and global context.