Political fight erupts over Fair Work Commission's penalty rate cut

Employment minister Senator Michaelia Cash in her at Parliament House office with a quote from US President Ronald Regan ...
Employment minister Senator Michaelia Cash in her at Parliament House office with a quote from US President Ronald Regan in Canberra on Thursday 1 December 2016 Photo: Andrew Meares Andrew Meares

A major political battle looms over wages after Thursday's decision by the Fair Work Commission to cut penalty rates sparked threats to have the decision overturned.

While the federal government demanded Labor and the minor parties respect the decision of the independent umpire, Opposition leader Bill Shorten indicated Labor would seek to overturn the decision should it win the next election,while the Greens also called for action.

"We will not stand by and just let the wages of hundreds of thousands of Australians be cut. We will not stand by and allow the penalty rates of all Australians, millions of Australians, be put on the chopping block," Mr Shorten said.

"We will do everything in our power, in the parliament and in the courts, to remedy this bad decision because Australian workers shouldn't be suffering wages cuts just because Malcolm Turnbull and his out of touch Government haven't got a plan to get Australia going."

But Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said the decision, which affects four out of 122 awards, should be left alone, moreover because it was Labor which commissioned the review by implementing four-yearly reviews of penalty rates.

"(Mr Shorten) is the person solely responsible for the fact that the Fair Work Commission was reviewing penalty rates and he needs to once and for all take responsibility for this decision," she said.

"He can say what he likes today about the decision, but what he does need to acknowledge is his role in it and the fact that it is either an independent commission or it is not."

Senator Cash said people would still be paid more for working on a Sunday but accepted it would be a pay cut.

"People who work on a Sunday will still receive a penalty rate. It is more closely aligned, however, with a Saturday penalty rate," she said.

She said the government accepted the decision.

"The Turnbull government's position has been consistent and clear – the setting of penalty rates are a matter for the independent Fair Work Commission to determine, not Government. The Government has no plans to change the way penalty rates are set."

Mr Shorten called it a weak and unfair decision for which he blamed the Turnbull government.

"It was the Turnbull Government which commissioned the Productivity Commission to investigate the case for cutting penalty rates and it is the Productivity Commission's evidence which has formed the basis in large part for the Fair Work Commission's decision which has been handed down today," he said.

"(Mr Turnbull) has campaigned for this outcome for many years, whereas Labor was the only political party who submitted a case against the cutting of penalty rates in this most recent decision of the Fair Work Commission." 

He said options for Labor included arguing to the Commission at a scheduled hearing on implementation to not go ahead with the decision.

"If we are unsuccessful, we will also be changing the law in Parliament to change the rules that the Fair Work Commission operate under. I have never seen an argument which would justify wholesale pay cuts for the lowest paid workers in Australia," he said.

"This is turning 20 and 30 years of industrial relations modernisation, of enterprise bargaining on its head." 

The Greens said they would introduce a private members bill that would stop the ruling being implemented.

"This is a body blow to the hundreds of thousands of people who depend on penalty rates to make ends meet," industrial relations spokesman Adam Bandt said.

"This cut in penalty rates is a cut in people's wages and it will hit young people especially hard. At a time when we are experiencing record low wages growth, more people than ever depend on penalty rates to pay rent and bills.

"If you work shifts on Sundays or public holidays to help pay the rent or support you through your study, this cut will hurt."

"Coffees won't get any cheaper on Sundays but young people will find it harder to pay the rent."