Geared products can enhance risk/reward relationship

Allison Dummett from ClearView says margin lending may appeal to people in higher tax brackets who do not want to borrow ...
Allison Dummett from ClearView says margin lending may appeal to people in higher tax brackets who do not want to borrow against the equity in their home. Supplied
by Alexandra Cain

Geared investment strategies are starting to pique the interest of investors, given the low interest rate environment. Investment banks have introduced numerous innovations to help protect clients who choose to borrow to invest.

Reserve Bank of Australia numbers show products such as margin loans, use of derivatives and warrants are starting to pick up. But they are coming off a low base as investors turned their backs on higher-risk financial instruments after the global financial crisis.

RBA figures show Australian margin loans totalled $39.4 billion in September 2007, reaching a low of $11.2 billion in September 2013. As at September 2016 the national margin loan book was $11.6 billion. Margin lending declined after the GFC mostly as a result of new laws that put restrictions  on the amount of capital required to open a margin loan.

Nevertheless, Pete Pennicott, a director and financial adviser with Pekada, says gearing strategies are getting the respect they deserve again, after copping a lot of criticism following margin calls during the GFC.

"Since then the level of knowledge about gearing has increased, and with that understanding we are seeing it being used more wisely as a support act to quality investment strategies," he says.

Pennicott says the trend post-GFC has been a shift towards home equity gearing. "The appeal for our clients has been twofold as it removes the risk of a margin call, and is generally at a significantly lower interest rate."

He says most margin loans are about the 30 per cent loan-to-value ratio mark, to provide a bigger buffer in the event of a market correction. This figure was closer to 50 per cent prior to the GFC.

The appeal of margin loans

Allison Dummett, head of strategic advice at ClearView Financial Advice and Matrix Planning Solutions, says it is never a good idea for investors to take out a large margin loan and accept more risk than they can handle. But margin lending is a strategy that can help some people achieve their financial goals.

"There is risk involved with borrowing to invest whether it's a margin loan or borrowing against your home. If a client can achieve their goals without gearing then they shouldn't be exposed to unnecessary risk and a prudent adviser won't recommend it," she says.

Dummett says margin lending may appeal to people in higher tax brackets who do not want to borrow against the equity in their home to invest.

"It may also be suitable for a young couple who are comfortable to take on more risk as they are both working. They may also be many years away from retirement and keen to grow their wealth by borrowing a modest amount to invest in a range of quality and diversified assets."

Margin loans are not the only way to achieve a leveraged exposure. Brian Phelps, general manager of CommSec's retail distribution, says some investors are starting to use options to hedge certain positions. Options give investors the right but not the obligation to purchase the underlying security down the track.

"If someone takes a large position in an IPO and is uncertain how that might open, they may try to hedge their position against another similar stock. But most people are using options at the moment to write a bit of income where it's otherwise hard to come by," Phelps says.

Close to the hedge

UBS executive director, derivatives sales, Edward Burns says hedging with options tends to be used by equities investors, either shareholders with large positions in companies or executives with shares in the company they work for who want to hedge the position.

They may not necessarily be worried about the shares falling in value. Instead, they want to protect the substantial part of their wealth that is tied up in the shares, monetise the position and diversify their investments.

"They lodge their stock with us as collateral and we work with them to find out what level of protection they want and what levels of upside they're happy to give up, and whether they want to use a limited recourse lending facility to diversify their investments," he says.

Instalment warrants are another way to leverage into assets. Phelps says they have not proven overly popular with his retail customers so far, which he attributes to a lack of understanding of how and when to use different types of warrants. The way warrants work, investors pay a small outlay that gives them the right to pay in full for the underlying security at a later date.

Citi's head of equity product sales Elizabeth Tian says its MINIs warrants have proven popular as they allow investors to leverage into single stock names. "Banks are always really popular with retail investors and people are using instalment MINIs to leverage into that."

She says people like using short minis, which have leverage, because they are very transparent. Short minis also offer investors a way to hedge their portfolio, and benefit from an actual or anticipated falling market or share price. Minis have similar leverage levels to contracts-for-difference, but are traded on exchange. They give investors leveraged exposure to the underlying market for a small outlay and can be traded long or short.

Scoring a bonus

Citi's bonus certificates are also becoming popular with investors. These give investors the potential to receive a bonus payment when markets are falling or flat. Unlike other similar instruments they do not have to give up any potential upside as long as the certificate does not trade below a set barrier amount over its term. They can be written over individual shares or indices such as the ASX 200, to help protect investor returns.

"Investors might buy bonus certificates instead of the underlying shares if the market is falling but they don't know where the bottom is. They give you protection down to a barrier level. Investors can close out whenever they want to. Protection is paid for by the underlying dividends, and bonus certificates have been popular with retail investors who previously relied on dividends for yield," Tian explains.

Moneysoft head of operations Jon Shaw says making sure you have the right asset to debt mix is crucial when borrowing to invest, especially when considering additional investments.

"Investors should be calculated and ensure they consider the downside risks of taking on debt to invest, particularly when it comes to complex products that are not easy to understand," Shaw says. Moneysoft provides software to advisers, which helps clients track their assets.

Leverage as a strategy works well when used correctly, but like all good things it needs to be used in moderation. Too much debt leaves little margin for error, and when volatility is on the rise, going into debt when investing should be done with caution.