Good news at last for graduates hunting jobs

Graduate employment is getting stronger after years of decline.
Graduate employment is getting stronger after years of decline. Supplied

For the first time in nearly 10 years, Australia's graduate job market has grown significantly, bringing to an end the long decline that followed the global financial crisis in 2008 and giving graduates renewed hope of moving into the jobs they most want after completing study. 

According to official 2016 data, 70.9 per cent of the students who completed undergraduate courses in 2015 had found full-time jobs within four months, up from 68.8 per cent a year earlier. 

The low point in employment for graduates occurred in 2014 when the graduate employment rate fell to 68.1 per cent. 

However, in spite of the improvement, today's graduates still have a much tougher time finding their first job than graduates of a decade ago. 

In 2008, before the GFC hit, the full-time graduate employment rate reached a high of 85.2 per cent. 

A generation ago it was even higher.

In 1986 it stood at 90.5 per cent, meaning that only one-in-ten of the graduates who were seeking full-time work had failed to find a job four months after graduation. 

The graduate employment rate is measured through a large official  survey which is emailed to graduates by universities. 

The full-time employment rate is the percentage of graduates who have jobs within four months of graduation as a proportion of those who are available for full-time work.

Other graduates choose to continue study or to work part-time. 

Not utilising skills 

Alarmingly, nearly one-third (29.1 per cent) of those bachelor degree graduates in full-time work say they are not fully using their skills or education in their jobs. 

When the pool is expanded to include those in part-time jobs – which are less likely to require university credentials – 42.1 per cent of all employed graduates said they were not fully using their skills or education. 

This indicates that a significant proportion of students have not chosen the best courses for them, or possibly made the wrong decision in deciding to pursue a university degree. 

The full-time employment rates vary according to the course, with nursing and teacher education having some of the highest employment rates (82.5 per cent and 80.3 per cent respectively), and communications and social work having some of the lowest (60.7 per cent and 59.8 per cent respectively).

But nearly three-quarters (72.3 per cent) of full-time employed graduates with bachelor degrees said they were working in managerial or professional occupations – the type of jobs that usually require university qualifications. 

Some courses, such as medicine (with a 98.2 per cent full-time employment rate) and pharmacy (96.3 per cent) see nearly all graduates get a job because of requirements for work experience placements. 

Students completing postgraduate courses saw even greater job market improvements in the past year. 

This year the full-time employment rate for those completing postgraduate degrees by coursework was 85.1 per cent compared with 82.7 per cent in 2015. 

And for people completing postgraduate degrees by research the employment rate this year was 80.1 per cent, compared with 73 per cent in 2015. 

While the higher qualifications of postgraduates may help them in finding a job, one of the reasons the graduate employment rate is higher for postgraduates is that many of them study part-time and continue working while they study. 

No long-term gain

However, there is no improvement in the graduate employment rate when measured three years after they complete their course. 

In 2016 the employment rate for all graduates three years out from their course was 88.4 per cent, virtually the same as the 88.5 per cent measured in 2015 and down from 92.6 per cent in 2010. 

The survey also measured salary levels four months after graduation.

Those completing undergraduate degrees were earning a median $57,900 four months after graduation. 

For postgraduate coursework graduates, the median salary was $80,000, and for postgraduate research graduates it was $85,000.

The salary figures cannot be directly compared to previous years because of a change in methodology of the survey. 

However the salary figures reveal a glaring discrepancy between the salaries paid to men and women. 

While male graduates with undergraduate degrees attract a median starting salary of $60,000 their female counterparts get only $56,400. 

Part of the difference is due to women choosing courses which, on average, pay less.

But, even allowing for this, female graduates are still paid less than men.

Read next: Top 100 Graduate Employers dynamic edition