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Coming Up - Monday, 27 February

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Monday, 20 February 2017

Pensions, Debt and NDIS

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Monday, 27 February 2017

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"What dies the panel think of the FWC's decision to cut penalty rates for retail and hospitality workers ?" 23/02/2017 12:01:33 PM
"On Q&A, I frequently hear about the Government's aim to provide young people jobs. On Q&A on Monday 20/2/17, Tanya Plibersek stated that ALL people who can work should be working. After becoming redundant from TAFE in 2012, I have ..." 23/02/2017 8:34:04 AM
"Budget woes: politicians from both major parties obviously can't, or don't have the courage, to balance a budget based on financial prosperity for the nation and social equity for its people. Does our system of government need to change so ..." 22/02/2017 4:45:08 PM
"You mention that statements made by the panel are 'fact checked' by the program. Last Monday a guest said that 52% of Australians don't pay tax! Is this correct. Can dubious clams from the previous week be mentioned at the ..." 22/02/2017 4:32:19 PM
"I firmly believe that the only issue of real importance in the context of sustainability is climate change. Will the panel members please indicate their attitudes towards the impact on climate of human beings and what steps need to be ..." 22/02/2017 4:24:07 PM
"Like many other young people, I often feel disheartened by the apparent state of the world and want to find ways to meaningfully contribute to achieving positive social change. But it often feels overwhelming and impossible to cut through larger ..." 22/02/2017 3:38:29 PM
"Piers Akerman said this in 2015. Readers of today's Daily Telegraph learnt that Piers Akerman has withdrawn from Monday's Q&A program - due to the fact that he "has lost confidence in the public broadcaster". Who was the bright spark ..." 22/02/2017 3:22:47 PM
"Ted Lapkin writes that Israelis require formal Palestinian acceptance of the Jewish people's right to self-determination. Does the self-determination, that the Palestinian side needs to accept, include continued Israeli settlement in Palestinian Territories?" 22/02/2017 3:20:00 PM
"Are charities scrutinized as much as they should be? Currently an Order of Australia recipient is under investigation, Shane Warne's was shut amid speculation, Xmas cards donate, there are pink products and events, our coffee houses give, the tax man ..." 22/02/2017 2:48:41 PM
"The proper role of government is to protect individual rights of life, liberty and property, NOT to provide. With that said, have Australian citizens become excessively expectant that government should be their care giver and solver of problems and in ..." 22/02/2017 2:30:37 PM
"To Peter Singer: You once said that "Cannibalism would not be wrong if society agreed with it!." So why should we judge the Germans in World War 2 for what they did to the Jews? Why should we judge white ..." 22/02/2017 1:48:31 PM
"When it was blatantly obvious the Centrelink program was significantly flawed the Ministers and the Department stone-walled and inserted minor changes, trying to silence the noisiest critics. Their reticence to fix the problems however simply sired independent audits and inquiries ..." 22/02/2017 1:30:19 PM
"Should tenancy laws be developed under the assumption that long-term renting may be the future housing situation for many Australians?" 22/02/2017 1:14:00 PM
"In all the argy-bargy of the Centrelink saga the two undeniable facts are that that some errors are grossly inaccurate and that no-one knows the actual extent of miss assessment? In contrast we don't know whether the Government knew prior ..." 22/02/2017 1:00:47 PM
"Presumably the biggest long-term benefit of the Centrelink investigations is the realization they will get caught, thereby curtailing recidivism and copy catting by others? So why haven't they adopted the same approach to industries? It seems that the punishments meted ..." 22/02/2017 12:29:36 PM
"why do Politicians have a Pension instead of a Superfund and don,t have to wait until 65/67 to be entitled to it. Is it true we borrow 5.03 Billion each Year to fund other Country's standard off living , while ..." 22/02/2017 11:47:27 AM
"CENTRELINK is SEVERELY UNDERSTAFFED ... That is one of the biggest problems. Also the permanent staff have NOT received any promised PAY RISES for some 3 years. That is disgraceful! They have to deal with decent citizens and truly NASTY ..." 22/02/2017 11:33:57 AM
"Senator Brandis was shown up in the Senate inquiries to have highly selective vetting of his interpretation of the truth. Unfortunately last Monday night he showed the same tendencies in answering a number of questions and trying to deflect responsibility ..." 22/02/2017 11:27:29 AM
"Who is going to cover the cost of the Health issues caused by Wind farms" 22/02/2017 10:40:19 AM
"One commentator wrote Q&A has become a series of Gotha moments and Senator Brandis shouldn't have had to answer for issues outside his responsibility? He didn't mention that when the Senator claimed Labor had done similar to Tanya Plibersek on ..." 22/02/2017 10:30:03 AM
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