Wyniki wyszukiwania
  1. Polubiono 2 934 razy
  2. Sheriff Clarke's Call For Action Speech At NRA

  3. Endorses Donald J. Trump for President! Vote TRUMP to protect your 2nd Amendment Rights! ➡️ Trump2016🇺🇸

  4. The supports - because they don't want a solution to gun violence, and Donnie doesn't offer one.

  5. . 'There is a rival group to the -- it's called the democratic party' -Sheriff David Clarke

  6. You fools now attacking the ? You are running headlong into losing your 2nd Amendment rights. Fools, of the highest order.

  7. Trump: Heartless hypocrites like the Clintons want to...get rid of guns & yet they have bodyguards with guns.

  8. Boom! Trump is going to make things right again in our country.

  9. Logic: "Guns on college campuses make students safer." Really, ?

  10. Only good men with guns can stop bad men with guns. Without the former, the latter will win--& you will be defenseless.

  11. .Hillary Clinton makes stuff up - that's a well-documented fact concerning her - AB Stoddard

  12. Pleased to welcome to the stage!

  13. Trump endorsed by today - despite support in 2012 of Obama's calls for tougher gun restrictions

  14. officially endorsing Trump today. to : To borrow a phrase from Trump, it’s HUGE!

  15. Backstage TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!

  16. . has endorsed Trump. Got a renewal letter a few days ago. I will not be renewing.

  17. "i will not let you down," as endorses. "We will preserve it, we will cherish it," of

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