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The first daughter has been hit with a lien for failure to pay back taxes owed by her New York jewelry store in Trump Tower

‘F*ck your shoes’: West Wing actor blasts Ivanka Trump for enabling administration’s ‘hatred’

The Trump administration has faced backlash since day one over rising anti-Semitism and racist attacks against the black and Muslim communities across the country since Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Racist Black History Month essay shocks school: ‘All stories in the Bible are about white people’

A Catholic high school in Louisiana has apologized “to anyone who was offended” after a racist essay about Black History Month went viral.

‘Leaving him alone can prove damaging’: Staffers warn Trump needs constant praise and limit on TV

Staffers from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign have reportedly warned that too much TV could be dangerous for the president.

Tea Party Gov. Brownback suffers humiliating tax defeat at hands of Kansas House

Kansas’s state budget has been in disarray ever since Brownback and the Kansas legislature slashed taxes starting in 2012, as revenue for the state has routinely fallen well short of projections.

‘You distort the Lord’s words!’ Furious Christians lecture Pope Francis over pro-immigrant tweet

On Wednesday morning, Pope Francis—who has been an outspoken defender of refugees and immigrants—tweeted what appeared to be a rebuff to the Trump administration’s anti-immigrant stance.

Bill Maher takes credit for downfall of ’emotionally needy Ann Coulter wannabe’ Milo Yiannopoulos

Despite taking criticism for inviting disgraced right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos onto his show, Real Time host Bill Maher believes that it’s all worked out for the best in the end now that Yiannopoulos has left his position at Breitbart News.

‘You guys wasted a lot of money on Benghazi’: Voter hammers GOP lawmaker for sidestepping Russia probe

An Arkansas Republican lawmaker dismissed calls to investigate President Donald Trump — and he got an earful from an angry constituent.

Rejecting ‘noxious’ prejudice, Supreme Court blocks death sentence for black inmate

The 6-2 ruling handed a victory to convicted murderer Duane Buck, 53, who had challenged his death sentence in a state that long has led the nation in executions, citing the racially biased testimony .

Conservative CPAC gathering gets hilariously mocked for ‘Heaven has a wall, why can’t US?’ panel

CPAC, which is scheduled to begin on Thursday, has already had a bad week after having to dump star attraction Milo Yiannopoulos as a keynote speaker after it was revealed that he appeared to condone and excuse child sex abuse.

For one shining moment Twitter believed Kellyanne Conway had been booted from TV

On Wednesday, a White House source told CNN that senior adviser to Pres. Donald Trump Kellyanne Conway has been sidelined by the administration as a TV spokesperson.

Doctors refuse to treat women as walking medical experiments under Utah’s new extreme anti-abortion law

Utah passed a law last year that maintained fetuses feel pain. Thus, before an abortion, women are now required to have some form of “fetal anesthesia.”