The Way Forward

As huge crowds continue to take to the streets against Trump, the Democrats are paralyzed. The Left can grab the momentum.

Now What?

We must organize around ideas that give people something to fight for, not just something to fight against.

The Anti-Inauguration

Watch Jacobin‘s “The Anti-Inauguration,” featuring Naomi Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and more.

Election Day Blues

What would we have to do to make sure our Election Day choices in 2036 aren’t as miserable as they are in 2016?

Beating a Dead Horse

In 1969, the FBI decided to launch a new offensive against the Communist Party — by sterilizing its farm animals.

Rank and File

Without a socialist left, both inside and outside of unions, organized labor will continue to lose ground.

The Spirit of ’16

To mark the hundredth anniversary of the Easter Rising, we’re pleased to offer a limited-edition print.
