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By Email:

editor [at]

submissions [at]

subscriptions [at]

By Carrier Pigeon:

388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217

Print Subscribers:

If you order between issues it may take up to 6–8 weeks before you receive your first copy. If you’re moving, please let us know a few weeks in advance, so you can be sure not to miss an issue.


As a 501(c)3, all bequests and donations to Jacobin Foundation are tax deductible.


Jacobin welcomes unsolicited essays directed to our submissions inbox. Completed manuscripts are welcomed, most of our articles are under 3,000 words. Footnotes are discouraged. We try to respond as quickly as possible, but receive a large volume of submissions. We do not consider simultaneous submissions.

Reading Groups:

Jacobin Clubs are active in cities across the United States and beyond. If you’re interested in joining or starting one in your area, please email outreach [at] for information and resources.


We also welcome — and occasionally publish — comments on our articles. Please keep them brief and include your full name and city.

A Note on Republication:

As a magazine consisting primarily of original content, we reserve ownership over our published material. We are happy to see our work linked to or excerpted, but we require a contribution from commercial entities who wish to reproduce or translate one of our pieces in full. Non-profit organizations must email us for prior permission, as well. All reprinted work must attribute the author and publication.


Editor & Publisher

Bhaskar Sunkara

Creative Director

Remeike Forbes

Managing Editor

Nicole Aschoff

Associate Editor

Shawn Gude

Micah Uetricht

Editorial Board

Seth Ackerman, Alyssa Battistoni, Mike Beggs, Megan Erickson, Peter Frase, Connor Kilpatrick

Art Editor

Erin Schell

Assistant Editors

Ella Mahony

Jen Hedler Phillis


Jonah Walters

Editorial Assistants

Branko Marcetic

Rajeev Ravisankar

Duncan Thomas

Carmen Triola

Contributing Editors

Bashir Abu-Manneh, Jonah Birch, Sebastian Budgen, Ronan Burtenshaw, Liza Featherstone, Sabrina Fernandes, Belén Fernández, Eileen Jones, Matt Karp, Cyrus Lewis, Chris Maisano, Scott McLemee, Gavin Mueller, Karen Narefsky, Catarina Príncipe, Kate Redburn, Corey Robin, Miya Tokumitsu

Outreach and Development

Jason Farbman

Reading Groups

Neal Meyer


Katrina Forman


Position Development