Monday, February 6th, 2017

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Update: Journal House (Almost Definitely) Saved Thanks to Our Supporters!

Last month we published an urgent Newswire post asking for donations to help save our home and office, which had been sold under our noses to some random yuppies.

Well, thanks to your donations and the support of some caring investors, the house is now secure!

We won’t absolutely know for sure that we got the house for at least a few weeks—there is still some paperwork to go through, and this whole experience has been a roller coaster of uncertainty—but it is essentially certain, and many of us will be out of contact for the next week while we’re at the Earth First! Organizers Conference, so we wanted to make sure folks knew that your efforts were indeed appreciated, and effective. All of the money raised from the call for donations will either go towards the purchase of the property or to repairs on the house and office itself so that it can continue to be lived in. Once the process is complete, the EF! Journal will have a more secure base of operations that will allow us to expand the work we are doing without the fear of having to relocate a 36-year-old business at the drop of a hat. We are extremely excited about the possibilities for this space moving forward, and thank all of you who donated, spread the word, or sent us messages of support.

Thank you!

One more note: Securing this house does not mean that the Journal Collective has to stay in South Florida for the foreseeable future. We anticipate the day when a new crew of wild Earth First!ers decides to take this project on for themselves, to move the Earth First! Journal to their bioregion, and to keep the tradition alive of passing this important project on to new generations of eco-warriors!

For the Wild,
The EF!J Collective

5 responses to “Update: Journal House (Almost Definitely) Saved Thanks to Our Supporters!”

  1. Storm Warning says:

    I was just wondering about this…thanks for the update.

  2. Tzindaro says:

    And if the Journal office does move, what will become of the house? Will it be sold and the proceeds transfered to the new office collective? Or will it remain the property of the current collective members, to do with as they see fit? Whose name is on the deed?

    I was once a member of a group of young people that bought a house and used the name of one member to buy it because he happened to have a credit rating that was needed. But when he was killed in a car accident, his parents, who knew nothing of the arrangement, inherited the house and did not believe his friends when told it was not their son’s personal property and that he was only acting as a trustee for the group that lived there. They even considered us tenants and tried to charge us rent. We had no paperwork saying otherwise.

    • Bob J says:

      Good catch. If they do sell this house they were so anxious to save in “the foreseeable future”, perhaps it would be appropriate to offer a refund to the people who donated the money for this.

  3. Congratulations! Have a super cool time at the Winter Rondy. Suggesting that you have a chat with Jimmy Betts (Beyond Extreme Energy), and perhaps a feature article will result. Am otherwise not concerned at all about future locations of the EF! Journal. Pujas are being done at Shiva Temple in Concord, CA, and the well-being of y’all and the movement, generally speaking, is on the request list. Goes straight to Murugan (who carries the vel spear and is head of Shiva’s army). Plus, I’ve been listening to the Shiva Chalisa nightly on You Tube (two hours of the most powerful sanskrit chanting from South India), while dedicating all of the sadhana merit toward the success of radical environmentalism and the destruction of the demonic materialistic shit which we are in opposition to! So have a wonderful time at the Winter Rondy, and continue staying in touch with me. We’ll meet again when it is timely. 😉

  4. Stormy says:

    EF needs to leave the “social justice” stuff to lefty/hippies and focus on ENVIRONMENT period. South Florida is no place for EF (or anyone else but indigenous and gators). Bring it back west where it belongs (though someplace cooler than southern AZ). Flagstaff?

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