BlueScope warns of US and Australia energy costs divide

BlueScope CEO Paul O'Malley has called for a base-loading energy target.
BlueScope CEO Paul O'Malley has called for a base-loading energy target. Louie Douvis

The chief executive of Australia's largest steelmaker, BlueScope Steel, Paul O'Malley said energy costs in the United States were up to 10 times lower than this company pays in Australia as he warned of a potential energy catastrophe right across the industrial sector unless the supply crisis was fixed.

While the major political parties continued to argue over the future of the Renewable Energy Target and whether the Clean Energy Finance Corporation should invest in "clean coal" projects, Mr O'Malley said Australia's international competitiveness was under threat as a result of the current energy crisis.

He called on the federal government to legislate a new "base load energy target" to ensure a steady and affordable supply of power for big industrial users.

"We do need a certain amount of base load energy that can be relied upon at all times. We also need a base load energy target in my view," he said on Monday.

"There needs to be a set number of coal and base load or peaking gas units then we can add in as much renewables as we need. But that system needs to be as stable as possible so when the wind or sun stops, the grid doesn't fall."

Mr O'Malley told an analysts call that "without energy security jobs are going to leave the country in big droves."

He said businesses across Australia were facing serious problems after a decade of talking and posturing by policy-makers which hadn't achieved any certainty when it came to energy and climate policy, with jobs being forced off-shore.

As US president Donald Trump promised to make US industry even more competitive through a range of policies, Mr O'Malley said the contrast between the USA and Australia couldn't be more stark when it comes to the future direction of electricity costs over the next few years. He said energy costs in the US were five to 10 times lower than Australia.

"They have low and reducing energy costs," Mr O'Malley told reporters on Monday, referring to the situation in the US. He was speaking after BlueScope delivered an impressive 79 per cent rise in bottomline net profit after tax to $359.1 million for the first half of 2016-17.

It comes as the Turnbull government considers making changes to the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to allow it to invest in coal-fired power projects including super critical power plants, like those in Japan, and carbon capture and storage.

Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg said "all options were on the table" as the Coalition attempts to back coal to provide affordable and reliable base load power for decades to come following three embarrassing black-outs in SA in the past five months.

But the Coalition's plans to overhaul the CEFC to allow it to invest in carbon capture and storage projects - which, along with nuclear power, are currently banned in the existing legislation - could strike a major hurdle with both the Labor party and the Greens saying they will block the moves in parliament.

"Labor will not be a part of this outrageous act of vandalism against the Clean Energy Finance Corporation," opposition energy spokesman Mark Butler told reporters in Adelaide on Monday.

And the Greens have labelled any government investment in coal dumb and dangerous.

"Subsidising coal through the green energy bank is like subsidising asbestos through the health budget," energy spokesman Adam Bandt said.

While Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull spruiked carbon capture and storage projects as a "proven way to deliver clean energy", Opposition Leader Bill Shorten dismissed the concept as "dumb". He said taxpayers shouldn't be subsidising the profits of large coal-powered generating companies.

"It is not in the national interest to spend billions of dollars of taxpayer money on a deal which industry's driven right past and doesn't want to put their own money into," he told reporters in Brisbane.

"If it was such a good a idea to build all these fantastic whiz-bang new coal- fired power generators, why isn't it happening now?"

But the Minerals Council of Australia's executive director of coal Greg Evans said the CEFC should be adopting a "technology neutral approach" which should include coal projects.

"It is clear Australians want power that has 24/7 availability and is affordable. Base load coal offers this and it now has a low emissions pathway," he said.

Mr Frydenberg would have to over-rule the Clean Energy Finance Corporation's investment mandate to get the statutory body to invest in "clean coal" projects because they are currently uneconomic and do not reduce carbon emissions enough according to the CEFC's existing rules.

The board's guidelines make it very clear it can only invest in "low emissions technology" which they define as having 50 per cent less emissions than the existing or benchmark generation systems.

It is arguable whether any critical or supercritical coal-fired power stations can deliver carbon reductions of this sort, with most claiming to reduce emissions by 40 per cent.

Other obstacle is the CEFC is only supposed to invest in commercially viable projects that are expected to deliver returns of 3 per cent to 4 per cent. This same hurdle may snooker carbon capture and storage projects - there are only three operating in the world and none are currently commercially viable.

It comes as French-owned company Engie - which was at the centre of the recent black-out in SA - defended its behaviour to a Senate committee in Adelaide.

Engie's head of corporate affairs Jim Kouts told the committee the company had lost $17 million operating the Pelican Point number two gas turbine in 2015 before deciding to withdraw it from the National Electricity Market.

Mr Kouts said the company had lost an increasing amount of money operating the unit each year from 2013 until it was withdrawn.

Engie, which also operates the Hazelwood power station in Victoria's La Trobe Valley which is due to close next month, denied it was involved in a deliberate strategy to game the market and maximise profits during the supply shortage in SA.

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon accused Engie of "ignoring" signals from the Australian Energy Market Operator that the SA market was going to be short of power as the evening peak demand approached during a heatwave and "exploiting a loophole" in the electricity market.

"We did not ignore those warnings," Mr Kouts told the hearing. "You saw how late it was. We could not bid in at that point."

Mr O'Malley said he was frustrated at the inability of the Australian industry to contract for gas, when much of the country's gas was now being "hoovered up" and shipped overseas.

"The biggest issue is the ability to contract for gas. Gas is very tightly held in this country," he said, adding that with baseload coal-fired operations being withdrawn from the market, they needed to be replaced by gas.

"If we do not have coal, then we must have gas," he said. But he pointed out that gas reservation policies were anathema in Australia. "Reservation in Australia is a dirty word".

"If there is gas in Australia and we say it can go overseas, and we don't have any baseload generation I think we are going to have an energy catastrophe in Australia," he said.

Mr O'Malley said there had been very little focus on the severe energy imposts facing industry over the next few years, as energy costs threatened to escalate to $150 to $300 per megawatt hour for some players.

"The hip pocket cost to industry large and small and to consumers is going to be substantial," he said. But he added that the over-arching review by Professor Alan Finkel into the electricity network did represents one of the best opportunities he'd seen in the past 10 years to put Australia on the right path.