Edwin Rios


reporter. Brooklyn native. alum. Ideas? Holla at me erios@motherjones.com.

Brooklyn, Portland, Oakland
Csatlakozott 2010. január

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Biztos, hogy meg szeretnéd nézni ezeket a tweeteket? A tweetek megtekintése nem oldja fel @Edwin_D_Rios felhasználó letiltását.

  1. Kitűzött tweet

    Why is it so hard for families of color to get justice when a loved one is murdered? Latest

  2. Police shootings won't stop unless we address this problem no one is talking about

  3. And this season has been the Bachelorette and the Apprentice combined.

  4. No truer words from pops on power and scandal

  5. : deadliest attack on US law enforcement since 9/11. A rundown of such attacks since 1917 per

  6. Blew it w/o all the facts. How do you come to the irresponsible conclusion that this Dallas shooting is “civil war?”

  7. Key to remember when we think about the shooting in Dallas.

  8. 5th Dallas officer announced dead. Working on latest here as standoff continues:

  9. Man, these past few days: Snipers kill 4 police officers, injure 7 others at Black Lives Matter Protest in Dallas.

  10. Wade was born in Chicago and grew up in the area, so this would be a homecoming.

  11. “Housing is a human need…all citizens should have a right to help keeping a roof over their heads.”

  12. Edwin Rios követve és
  13. Alton Sterling is the 38th person killed by Louisiana cops since 2015, per via

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