Perrier-Jouët's chef de cave always has something special in his suitcase

Herve Deschamps recommends sunshine and champagne to beat jetlag.
Herve Deschamps recommends sunshine and champagne to beat jetlag. Supplied

When travelling for Perrier-Jouët, chef de cave Hervé Deschamps packs a bottle of the champagne house's newest vintage. "You never know when you may need it," he says. He answers our Traveller Q&A.;

First, business or economy?

When I travel it is mostly for work, so I generally travel business class, especially on long-haul trips. I need to be able to unwind during the flight. When I'm visiting an important market for Perrier-Jouët, such as Australia, it's important for me to switch off in comfort, as once I land it's usually straight into business.

Most frequented destination

Herve Deschamps recommends sunshine and champagne to beat jetlag.
Herve Deschamps recommends sunshine and champagne to beat jetlag. Supplied

I visit Japan at least twice a year. It's the biggest market for Perrier-Jouët Belle Époque and one of my favourite countries. It's a completely different world to my home in France, which I think is part of the appeal.

Favourite airport

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport in France. It has an incredible selection of facilities, from great bars and restaurants to boutiques, where I can purchase a gift for my wife – in case I have forgotten – when I'm returning home from business.

If I ran my own airline I would …

That's easy; I would serve more champagne and offer it to all customers during the flight. When you fly in business and first you are offered a glass of champagne on boarding. I think it would be great to introduce food and champagne pairing for each meal during your trip. It would enhance the in-flight dining experience.

Where would you go with a million air miles?

I would take my family on a holiday to a tropical island. Most recently I was on Hayman Island, which was beautiful. I would love to return there. Australia has some of the best beaches.

Best trip

My favourite trip was when I visited Kyoto, Japan, at spring time. Seeing the cherry blossoms was a very special experience.

Most memorable overseas dining

I had the most incredible experience five years ago at La Belle Epoque restaurant at the Okura Hotel in Tokyo, with the three-starred Michelin chef Anne-Sophie Pic. I will never forget this beautiful dinner, where each dish was paired with a Perrier-Jouët Belle Époque Vintage. I have known Anne‑Sophie for a long time, which made the dinner more special.

In the suitcase

Other than normal travel items and clothing, I always keep a bottle of the house's newest vintage on hand – you never know when you may need it.

First thing you do in a new city

I connect to the local Wi-Fi and check in with my wife back in France. It's important that I touch base with my family and let her know I've arrived.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in a strange city?

I go for a long walk and explore what the city has to offer. I also like to head down to the closest beach, if there is one. I feel relaxed when I'm by the water. It has a soothing presence.

Cure for jetlag

A walk in the sunshine always helps to accustom you to the local time zone. That is the most important thing,trying to get into the local time zone. A glass of champagne doesn't go astray either.

Other travel tips

Convenience and ease of getting around are crucial to how I travel. I always choose to stay in a hotel that is central and, if I'm on business, close to where I need to be the following day.

What technology do you use?

My iPhone is my most used device. I'm constantly in contact via email (and text) with my team and my family in France. I also reach out to my friends all over the world when I'm travelling, so communication is crucial.

Best overseas purchase

I recently bought pearls for my wife and two daughters on a trip to Beijing. The women in my life love jewellery, so needless to say they were a hit.

Best thing about travelling

Exploring new places, meeting new people, immersing yourself in another culture and creating lifelong memories.

AFR Contributor