Edtech accelerator backed by Navitas and universities

Liv Pennie, founder of BEcoME, is building an app to help children begin exploring their career options while in primary ...
Liv Pennie, founder of BEcoME, is building an app to help children begin exploring their career options while in primary school. Daniel Munoz

Five universities and education company Navitas have launched their first accelerator program for education technology start-ups with the ultimate goal of making Australia a world power in borderless education.

Five start-ups have started the six-month, full-time program, which will give them workspace, mentoring and contact with schools, universities and Navitas.

It is run by EduGrowth, a not-for-profit platform whose founding members are Navitas, Deakin University, La Trobe University, Monash University, Charles Sturt University and Griffith University.

EduGrowth CEO Riley Batchelor said that at the end of the accelerator program the start-ups will "walk out with a business that has solid product-market fit, some early revenue, and engagement with universities and schools".

"They will be ready to go out to market at the demo day at the end of the program and engage with investors to raise a seed round of capital," he said.


Start-ups will get mentoring from successful Australian edtech entrepreneurs including Smart Sparrow's Dror Ben-Naim, and Open Learning's Adam Brimo and executives from other successful Australian edtech companies including Learnosity and 3P Learning.

"It's a mentor-led program, bringing in the top education technology mentors and advisers and investors, who have built edtech businesses before," he said.

Mr Batchelor said the scale of the education sector presented unique challenges and an edtech accelerator was needed to support early stage entrepreneurs.

Each of the five start-ups in the program get capital of $50,000 in return for 6 per cent equity. This is supported by a dedicated fund, backed by EduGrowth members, which has so far raised more than $1 million, with a target of $3 million.

EduGrowth chairman Patrick Brothers said that EduGrowth's vision was "for Australia to be a world leader in scalable, borderless education". It is backing an ambitious goal, also voiced by Austrade, for Australian education providers to be reaching 100 million learners around the world by 2025.

"I hope this encourages entrepreneurs across the country to get serious and go global," he said.


One of the entrepreneurs in the program, Liv Pennie, said her start-up, BEcoME, would build an app to teach children to begin "design, explore and manage their careers" while still in primary school.

She said she was targeting it at years 5 and 6 because research showed that too many children narrowed their career aspirations early, often due to gender and social expectations.

Isuru Wanasinghe's start-up, Life is Yellow, is a fantasy iPad game with battles between magical creatures which is designed to make learning arithmetic compelling to children.

Ria Chan's Craftsposure is an online business school for creative people to help them turn their passions into profits. She has already run the first cohort of students through her course.

Brothers Jack Fox and John Fox are building a "one-stop shop" for senior school students to study past papers in year 12 exams. Their start-up, JIFOX, will offer not only access to the exams, but also video solutions to the questions.

Finally, Martin Astbury and Leo Walton in their start-up Prevyou, are building online tools for students to learn soft skills and apply them in work-place settings.

All five start-ups have been chosen to pitch at the world's premiere edtech event, ASU GSV to be held in Salt Lake City in May.

Mr Batchelor said that next year he expected the program would take a larger number of start-ups, as many as 10.