Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Jendea Guztiak ikusi

  2. urt. 31
  3. urt. 30

    Incredible aerial footage of protest at from the local NBC affiliate. Tens of thousands of anti-Trump demonstrators.

  4. Duela 16 ordu

    divestment from WellsFargo advances in stunning rebuke of & billionaire class!

  5. Duela 18 ordu

    In a win for Standing Rock, just moved to dump Wells Fargo

  6. Duela 20 ordu
  7. Duela 21 ordu

    Final vote is Monday 2/6, rally at 2pm ! & activists here leading the movement. So proud

  8. ots. 1

    The March for Science will take place on April 22, 2017. We hope to see you in D.C. and around the world!

  9. ots. 1

    ! My local is sending a letter to Murray & Cantwell about . You can sign it here:

  10. ots. 1

    "American lives are not more important than other people's lives!" of thousands

  11. ots. 1

    TOMORROW 8:30am: Join activists & me to , pushing thru law to from WellsFargo!

  12. (r)i erantzunez
    urt. 31

    . Thanks for supporting bill I wrote w/ to divest from WellsFargo! come 8:30am, hold Council accountable!

  13. urt. 31
  14. urt. 30

    If Mayor Murray rly wants to up the ante, tell the cops to stand down and make mass transit free at all Trump protests

  15. urt. 30

    Aerial view of tonight's action in against refugee ban

  16. urt. 30

    This was my beloved's sign tonight.

  17. urt. 30

    Another amazing overhead shot floating on fb of rally tonight

  18. urt. 30

    I transcribed speech from rally where they TOOK HER MIC mid-speech. Please read and share.

  19. urt. 30

    Endless sea of protesters marching against Trump through downtown . Remarkable sight.

  20. urt. 30

    How do you hold up a themed protest sign? With a lightsaber, of course. turnout in tonight is huge.

  21. urt. 30

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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