'Industry of ripoffs': ATO warns on software development R&D; claims

The ATO has singled out software developers in a crackdown on excessive R&D tax refund claims.
The ATO has singled out software developers in a crackdown on excessive R&D; tax refund claims. Gabriele Charlotte

The Australian Taxation Office will crack down on research and development claims for software development projects, amid fears of widespread tax refunds for ineligible activities.

R&D; expenditure registered against information and communications technology projects was $6.8 billion in 2014/15, the latest ATO figures available, amounting to 35.7 per cent of total R&D; expenditure registered. The R&D; tax incentive is forecast to cost the Budget $3.5 billion in 2017-18.

The ATO fears a lot of that expense has been inappropriately registered, with software development projects explicitly targeted in a taxpayer alert sent earlier this week.

An ATO spokesperson said it was becoming more common for a software development project to be be registered on a whole-of-project basis, without distinguishing ineligible activities from any eligible R&D; activities.

'Industry of ripoffs': Lachlan McKnight, founder of virtual law firm Legal Vision, welcomes R&D refund reform.
'Industry of ripoffs': Lachlan McKnight, founder of virtual law firm Legal Vision, welcomes R&D; refund reform. Supplied

"In order to be eligible, there must be an experiment or experiments being carried out for the purpose of generating new knowledge," the ATO alert said. "The outcome of the experiments cannot be able to be known or determined in advance by a competent professional in the field. The experiments being carried out must be based on principles of established science and must seek to prove whether specific technical hypotheses are right or wrong to resolve specific technical issues or risks."

Too many software developers claimed beta testing of their products as R&D;, mistaking commercial risk for technical risk, according to the ATO. It gave the example of a bank developing a mobile banking application.

"The delivery of the application is quite certain on the basis of current knowledge, information and experience. There is, however, a risk that existing or future customers may not embrace the application," the ATO alert said.

"This risk is commercial in nature only and hence the relevant activities do not constitute eligible R&D; activities."

The ATO said it would target R&D; claims from advisors with a track record of "high-risk practices", a move welcomed by the founder of tech-driven law firm LegalVision, Lachlan McKnight.

"There's been an industry of rip-offs operating in R&D; for too long," he told The Australian Financial Review.

R&D; 'specialists' – typically accountants or former technical engineers – take a 10 to 15 per cent commission on the refund or tax offset successfully claimed, sometimes encouraging aggressive behaviour.

While this business model is followed by the R&D; teams at the 'Big Four' professional services firms, Mr McKnight observed that reputational concern meant they did reject spurious claims.

"We're using EY for a claim at the moment against a machine learning system we've built to automate reviews of lease documents, and they've provided clear direction and robust questioning around what's claimable or not," he said.

However there was a "cottage industry of no-name R&D; advisors" to which startups rejected by the Big Four can turn. Some even lure claimants by lending them money in advance, secured by the refund, but nevertheless at "hefty" interest rates, Mr McKnight said.

"The cash back from the R&D; incentive is the only support a lot of start-ups get, so they're vulnerable to the cowboys in the industry."

Start-ups should avoid using R&D; providers who charge a percentage commission altogether, said partner at law firm Squire Patton Boggs, Richard Horton. Lawyers could help legitimately maximise R&D; claims by ensuring intellectual property attracted appropriate inter-company charges, he added.

The ATO's focus on software developers felt suspiciously like a focus on tech start-ups, according to the CEO of start-up advocacy body StartupAUS, Alex McCauley.

Already critical of proposals to rebalance the R&D; tax incentive toward big business, Mr McCauley said the "government seems to be cutting start-ups out of the scheme by stealth. Arbitrarily changing the interpretation of the rules is just not good enough".