RBA governor Glenn Stevens upbeat on growth, jobs

Full interview: RBA governor Glenn Stevens

Reserve Bank of Australia governor Glenn Stevens has issued an upbeat appraisal of the economy, declared signs of rising jobs growth to be genuine and downplayed the need for more official rate cuts to lower the currency.

In his regular year-end interview with The Australian Financial Review, Mr Stevens predicted a likely US Federal Reserve rate hike on Thursday would almost certainly cause problems somewhere in the world but would fall well short of bringing down the global system.

Endorsing Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's drive to create a bigger economic pie, he reminded Australians that despite plunging commodity prices the resources boom has left a permanent legacy of higher national wealth.

Significantly, Mr Stevens said he saw no need to further downgrade the outlook for economic growth, which the Reserve Bank did last month and the Treasury on Tuesday, and expressed confidence the dollar would fall if needed to offset lower export prices for iron ore, coal and energy.

Emphasising he is determined to watch whether signs of improvement would gather strength, Mr Stevens reiterated that low inflation meant the central bank's options for monetary policy were open.

"My own feeling has been if you think things are shaping up to deliver an improvement, let's see how that goes for a while, and we still have some firepower to use if it makes sense," he said in the interview to mark the end of 2015, his last full year in office.

"Right now, I think with the improvement we're seeing, the prudent and obviously sensible thing to do is to see how that goes.

"I myself, here in the middle of December, would certainly not be inclined to revise down [economic forecasts made in early November.]"

The remarks suggest Mr Stevens, who ends his term in September, feels no pressure to cut the official cash rate below 2 per cent, despite the dollar appreciating 5 per cent over the past three and a half months to US72.51¢ on Tuesday at a time when iron ore is trading near a decade low of $US38.30 a tonne.

In a departure from previous pre-Christmas interviews with the Financial Review in 2013 and 2014 – when he called for the currency to fall to US75¢ and "closer" to US85¢ respectively – Mr Stevens repeatedly declined opportunities to nominate a new level.

"The answer to the question is the exchange rate has been adjusting – doing its job – and I note commodity prices are still falling, so it is possible that further adjustment will occur," he said.

While falls in iron ore and coal prices may reverse in future, he said it was possible their decline would at "some point occasion further adjustment in the exchange rate".

"My guess is if it needs to adjust lower, it will," he said.

Mr Stevens expressed scepticism that global investors would cause the dollar to jump in the event of a global economic downturn or mishap should the Fed raise interest rates.

"My guess is still that in a world where there's a material reduction in risk appetite for some reason, I'm not sure that we're going to be regarded as that big a safe haven," he said.

Fabled recovery not happening

He acknowledged the currency had been slow to fall after the end of the resources price boom, and Australia still wasn't enjoying the "much-fabled recovery in investment spending outside the mining sector". "I admit that I would have thought a couple of years back that by now we would see more of that," he said. "We don't see it."

The interview supports the view that the chances of another official rate cut in the current cycle may be close to zero, with financial market pricing suggesting there is only a 12 per cent chance of a reduction in February, when the central bank board meets next.

Among the main reasons nominated by Mr Stevens for the neutral stance in monetary policy are signs of an improvement in the labour force, with the jobless rate now at 5.8 per cent, well short of the Reserve Bank's forecast earlier in the year for 6.5 per cent.

Despite the controversy over the reliability of monthly Australian Bureau of Statistics employment data, Mr Stevens said business was clearly showing "enough confidence to hire".

Even discounting for last week's surprise official report showing employment jumped 71,400 in November, Mr Stevens said, "I think you had a pretty solid sequence of growth in employment.

"So my sense is that the rise in employment to population; the rise in participation; the at worst flat unemployment rate – there's a genuine signal there," he said.


The fact that unemployment payments out of Canberra are no longer rising also add to what is "actually a fairly consistent picture there", he said.

The lower than expected unemployment rate has vexed many economists – including at the Reserve Bank and Treasury – because it coincides with a dramatic fall in business investment and below-average economic growth.

Mr Stevens suggested one way to resolve that conundrum was to recognise the fact most of the jobs growth was occurring in sectors that may not need much immediate investment, potentially tourism, hospitality or retail.

"So maybe we can get some of the growth we're looking for without quite so much capital spending," he said. "That's sort of a working hypothesis, at least, that we're presently entertaining. It's an idea that does seem to square some of the things we see in the economy."


Mr Stevens pushed back against the idea that the collapse in the terms of trade since 2011, the biggest adjustment in records going back to the late 1950s, had reversed the prosperity boost to the nation from the mining boom.

It was not so many years ago that iron ore price at $US25 a tonne "was regarded as quite a respectable price".

"I have no idea whether we will get back to that or not," he said. "But the fact is this country is shipping three times, probably, the volume and is managing to do so, in the better miners at least, with a profit on a sustainable basis."
