RBA governor Glenn Stevens calls for US75¢ dollar

Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens wants the dollar to fall to levels last seen a decade ago and says official interest rate cuts need to be delivered in a way that boosts confidence rather than remind people of the economy’s woes.

RBA governor Glenn Stevens indicates the Australian dollar should now be closer to about US75¢. 
RBA governor Glenn Stevens indicates the Australian dollar should now be closer to about US75¢.  Photo: Louise Kennerley

This story was first published on December 12, 2014.

Reserve Bank of Australia governor Glenn Stevens wants the dollar to fall to levels last seen a decade ago and says official interest rate cuts need to be delivered in a way that boosts confidence rather than remind people of the economy's woes.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Australian Financial Review, Mr Stevens pushed back against calls for near-term cuts, saying the economy, jobs and inflation were roughly where the central bank expected them to be.

He indicated the currency should now be closer to about US75¢; declared the recent drop in the global oil price to about $US60 a barrel as "bullish" news for the global economy; and said this year's strategy of keeping rates steady at 2.5 per cent delivered a message of stability and predictability that was the best way to buttress household and business sentiment.

In some of his toughest comments on record, Mr Stevens hit out at Canberra's failure to "get real" about the budget, warning Australia's AAA rating could be threatened if longer-term tax and spending issues weren't fixed.

Without action, including from Senate crossbenchers, he suggested Australia could within five years find itself forced by international bond markets to adopt more hard-line austerity measures, something that has led to double- and triple-dip recessions in Europe.

However, he endorsed Treasurer Joe Hockey's decision not to make additional spending cuts in next week's mid-year budget update to offset softer tax revenues: "And I don't think they will."

Mr Stevens chipped commentators who he said had overstated recent weakness in the economy caused by lower income growth from wages and exports of iron ore and coal. "I think bandying around the term 'income recession' tends to . . . misconstrue to people what this event is about," he said.

"The economy is not in recession, it's not contracting, we're not having hundreds of thousands of jobs lost over a year. So I think we need to be careful with the language, just to convey to ­people what's going on."

Animal spirits up on stability

In a sign the central bank is in no rush to cut the cash rate from its record-low 2.5 per cent level, Mr Stevens ­downplayed recent market and public excitement, saying he was yet to decide if the growing economic momentum earlier in the year had given way to a more "wobbly" business outlook.

"Is that a turn back down? Or is it just a short-term pertubation that will pass? The answer to that is we can't really know, I think. But that's the thing we have to watch," he said.

After beginning the rate-cutting cycle three years ago – taking the cash rate to the "lowest level it has been in my lifetime on a sustained basis" – Mr Stevens said the bank has this year focused on maintaining stability.

"I have been asking myself what can we do that will be most conducive to supporting confidence, predictability, the sense that people can make some plans for their business, their own life, whatever it might be," he said. "And the view I came to pretty early on was: what we should be doing is giving a message of stability and predictability insofar as we can," he said.

While it was impossible to be "perfectly predictable because we don't know ourselves what is going to happen in the future", that had helped spur animal spirits.

"Now, if at some point we can be more helpful for confidence by doing something different, then obviously that will be on the table, and we will take a fresh look at all these things in the new year," he added.

Mr Stevens acknowledged that the falling terms of trade – a key measure of export income that will see billions wiped from next week's budget update – had been greater than expected, and said it was a key reason the currency should fall.

He said that if he had to pick a level for the currency, "probably US75¢ is better than US85¢".

Now that foreign exchange markets were "starting to behave more consistently" given falling prices for key Australian exports such as iron ore, he predicted further declines in the dollar were likely.

Consumers to feel pinch on imports

Mr Stevens's comments echo what he said 12 months ago, in his last interview with the Financial Review, when he indicated the currency needed to drop to US85¢. It has spent most of the past year above that level, but in recent months has declined sharply to below US83¢.

He indicated the dollar was likely to fall against other currencies as well.

"I think the adjustment we have been seeing is taking us closer to where most fundamental metrics have you be, but I doubt that adjustment is yet complete," he said.

Mr Stevens said the ideal level for the dollar was something of a moving target, but that it had come from an unsustainable level of well above parity.

"Some further adjustment is going to have us much more like normal historical levels, at least against the US dollar and maybe some others."

Most consumers would feel that adjustment through the fact that it was becoming more expensive to have an overseas holiday, and that petrol would become cheaper, he said.

The falling terms of trade, together with the downwards shift in national income recorded in last month's national accounts, would mean the federal budget would be likely to have less revenue, and some companies would provide lower returns to shareholders – which would mean an indirect hit to superannuation funds.

"[But] for most of us the most direct impact is our purchasing power over foreign goodies is not as high as it was," Mr Stevens said. "With a lower exchange rate, the price of foreign goods and services go up, and that will affect their behaviour, including the tendency for them to substitute between foreign and domestic [goods and services].

"That's the place where nine out of 10 people feel it most directly. What's really happening is the purchasing power of Australians over foreign goods and services that result from what we export has gone down.

"It's no great surprise that it's going down. We could debate whether we can all pick the speed and so on, but I think we've been talking about the fact the terms of trade weren't going to stay at those one-in-a-hundred-year highs; they would come back to some extent."

Better productivity urgently needed

Mr Stevens said lower nominal gross domestic product growth meant the national income pie is not growing effortlessly. "But that will only be offset by doing what the nation has always done," he said.

"That is by being more efficient and more productive, and using our labour and capital resources in a way that gets more output per head over time. We didn't have to do that when the terms of trade were soaring. Now we do."

Speculation has grown over the past two weeks that the Reserve Bank may again consider lowering the cash rate, with some analysts pointing to renewed global weakness – something Mr Stevens said was not warranted.

Even though Japan has seen renewed weakness and "Europe is still struggling", China was still looking solid and the US economy was strengthening, he said.

"So yes, probably at the margin, estimates of global growth have come down a touch over recent months. But I don't think it's as dramatic really as some of the commentary might want to suggest.

"If you have got the US firing well, and if you have got China managing their problems OK, that's still not too bad an environment for Australia. We have our own challenges, to be sure, and they're not trivial, but they ought to be manageable."

On the global oil price, Mr Stevens indicated some people were making the mistake of assuming it was a sign of global weakness. "[While it is] obviously bad news if you are a producer . . . actually, historically, low oil prices have been good for the global economy. In my opinion on the whole, this is good news not bad news."

He said it wasn't many years ago that the world agonised over whether the price of oil would be $US15 a barrel, or $US20 or $US25, yet it coped with a price well above $US100. Now that it has fallen to about $US60 a barrel, Mr Stevens thinks "that's a bullish point for global growth".

Non-mining transition a 'work in progress'

Mr Stevens expressed confidence that the transition from resources investment to non-mining sources of growth was "clearly still under way".

However, he said there was a need for Australians to embrace greater confidence in their ability to make that adjustment, with less of the "negative it's-all-too-hard sort of narrative that is so easy to tell".

"This will be a work in progress I think for a while. [That] doesn't mean we can't get reasonable growth – and we are growing," he said.

"But this issue of transition, of adjustment, is something that we have had for a couple of years and we're probably still going to have some of it for a little while yet. You can't make that go away.

"What you can do, I think, is articulate it, face up to it, and then do the adjustment as best we can. I think right now what we need is a little more confidence in our own ability to make that adjustment; a more positive narrative around the idea of, 'Yes, we can do this adjustment if we put in the effort.' "

Mr Stevens said that a year ago the bank forecast growth of between 2 per cent and 3 per cent, something that had been confirmed by this month's national accounts, and was likely to be repeated when the December-quarter numbers are published next year.

Asked whether further rate cuts would be counterproductive to sentiment, Mr Stevens – who acknowledged that most of his correspondence was now coming from savers whose incomes have fallen because of lower rates – said any additional stimulus would need to be linked to a "confidence-enhancing narrative".

"If that would actually be helpful, then that's obviously something that needs to be on the table," he said. "If the story is, 'Oh, look, it's so bad we've just got to cut,' – you know, well, if we have to, we have to. But one would be hoping, actually, that any decision that might be taken for even lower rates is actually more of a positive narrative."

Another element to the positive narrative would be the fact that inflation is unlikely to be too high any time in the next couple of years.

"A positive narrative might be inflation is not any impediment to even lower rates if they would be helpful," Mr Stevens said.

Other than softer wages growth, another reason why inflation may be benign is that a "calmer housing market probably also will be part of it".


The Australian Financial Review