ATO crackdown on foreign infrastructure investment

Cheung Kong Infrastructure, which is led by Hong Kong's richest man, Li Ka-Shing, has already battled the ATO and may ...
Cheung Kong Infrastructure, which is led by Hong Kong's richest man, Li Ka-Shing, has already battled the ATO and may face the impact of this latest crackdown. Tomohiro Ohsumi

Major companies and their advisers are shocked by a Tax Office crackdown on a trust structure which they say will double the tax on $10 billion in foreign investment in infrastructure.

The ATO is targeting so-called stapled securities, used for decades in commercial property deals, which have long allowed foreign investors to pay a discounted tax rate of 15 per cent under the managed investment rules.

Investors now face paying the company tax rate of 30 per cent, which advisers warn puts billions of dollars in deals at risk for the sale of toll roads, airports, energy, telecommunications, ports, wind farms and solar assets for infrastructure and energy companies such as Spark Infrastructure, AusNet Services, APA, DUET and Sydney Airport.

Corporate tax eroded

ATO deputy commissioner Jeremy Hirschhorn is leading the ATO crackdown.
ATO deputy commissioner Jeremy Hirschhorn is leading the ATO crackdown. Alex Ellinghausen

But the ATO said it has seen well over $10 billion in non-compliant structures over the last 12 to 18 months and the corporate tax base was at risk with more than $300 million each year estimated to be in dispute.

"We've seen a real surge in the ingenious use of these structures over the last year or so, some of them have come to our attention through FIRB, some through tax rulings and others through our own compliance where taxpayers and their advisers are splitting up a business and arguing the vast bulk of the profits arise in the non-company part to attract a lower tax rate," Deputy Commissioner Jeremy Hirschhorn told The Australian Financial Review on Monday.

"We have been saying for the last year or so we are really worried about the potential for these structures to erode the corporate tax base, so we are putting everyone on fair notice that we are discouraging these type of arrangements which will be subject to increased scrutiny, including audits and potential litigation," Mr Hirschhorn said.

The common tax structures – which comprise a trust which leases land and assets to a related company – have been promoted by successive governments to encourage investment in passive income activities such as shares, property and land. The structures have helped to send the price of infrastructure assets skyrocketing and doubled the level of foreign investment under management over the past five years to more than $46 billion.

Foreign investment at risk

The ATO intervention follows a tumultuous period for foreign investment after Treasurer Scott Morrison's high-profile decisions to block foreign bids for Ausgrid and Kidman and Co and the federal government ordering a sweeping security probe of major infrastructure across the nation last month to create a list of "red-flagged" assets­. In recent years, the ATO has also taken legal action against Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-Shing over profits made in Australia's power, gas and water industries and is awaiting the decision of the Full Federal Court in a landmark $300 million tax dispute with multinational oil giant Chevron over profit-shifting.

"The ATO's concerns about stapled structures may scare off overseas investors in infrastructure and renewables assets," tax partner at Norton Rose Fullbright Ellen Thomas warned.

Bruce Quigley, a former ATO commissioner and now senior adviser at the Tax Institute, said the crackdown was "extremely controversial".

"The Tax Institute is concerned that the lack of detail in the alert as to what arrangements are caught and what are not will cause significant uncertainty to taxpayers, especially given that these types of arrangements have been in the market place for many years," he said.

Infrastructure deals across the board will be impacted by the ATO crackdown.
Infrastructure deals across the board will be impacted by the ATO crackdown. Bloomberg

Government carve-out

Advisers are particularly irate the government appears to be seeking to "have their cake and eat it" with the ATO alert flagging the crackdown may not apply to governments that have reaped the benefit from multibillion-dollar asset sales such as Ausgrid, Port of Newcastle, Port Botany and Kempla and Port of Melbourne.

"Privatisations of these businesses raise distinct issues," the ATO alert said.

"We will be providing separate general guidance in relation to these transactions/structures and we will continue to engage on a transaction-by-transaction basis in relation to potential privatisations."

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan has his eye on foreign investors.
Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan has his eye on foreign investors. Christopher Pearce

Inspector-General to review

Inspector General Ali Noroozi is aware of stakeholder concerns and has warned he may review the ATO's use of alerts in his work program for the year ahead.

"The ATO's use of Taxpayer Alerts was identified as another area of concern, especially when and how these will be issued and the uncertainty they create when there is no subsequent ATO guidance or action."

The Property Council of Australia is relieved the initial crackdown also appears to exclude real estate investment trusts and commercial property deals.

One of China's biggest sovereign wealth funds was part of the deal with Global Infrastructure Partners and Canadian ...
One of China's biggest sovereign wealth funds was part of the deal with Global Infrastructure Partners and Canadian pension fund OMERS who teamed up with the Future Fund and QIC to buy the Port of Melbourne last year for $9.7 billion. Vince Caligiuri

"For property groups, a stapled structure ensures there is a clear separation between passive rental activities (typically under a trust) and active trading activities (typically under a company)," said Belinda Ngo, director of tax policy at the Property Council.

"The stapled securities structure has helped Australia to maintain its competitive edge and is a key feature in attracting long-term patient capital to invest in the commercial property assets that underpin our economy".