Infigen Energy seeks to accelerate wind projects after swinging into profit

Infigen Energy has several wind development projects already with planning approval.
Infigen Energy has several wind development projects already with planning approval.

Wind power producer Infigen Energy is examining alternative funding and operating strategies to help accelerate its ability to develop new projects after swinging back into profit for the first half.

The company is targeting financial close this half for its 113 megawatt Bodangora wind farm in NSW but sees a bigger opportunity given the need for 3000-4000 MW of capacity to be built to meet the country's 2020 renewable energy target.

Conventional long-term power sales contracts are "not the sole source to market for renewable generators that are active energy market participants, such as Infigen," it said of its ambition to progress other potential development projects, including wind farms in Queensland and Victoria, and a solar farm in NSW.

Managing director Ross Rolfe, who took over from retiring Miles George late last year, has also signalled he envisages Infigen becoming increasingly involved in battery storage and solar power.

Infigen, which owns 557 megawatts of wind and solar capacity in Australia, pointed to changing behaviour by industry to seek to lock in long-term purchase deals directly with renewable energy producers rather than going through a retailer.

Last year Infigen ended talks on a potential sale or merger, but was still seeking opportunities to create value in the renewable energy sector.

Net profit for the December half rose to $21.4 million, up from a loss of $2.2 million in the first half of fiscal 2016. Production rose 18 per cent to 889 gigawatt-hours, helping drive up revenues by 38 per cent to $115.4 million.

Shares in Infigen, whose biggest shareholder is activist investor The Children's Investment Fund, were down 1ยข at $1.00 at 11:27am AEDT. The stock has more than doubled in the past 12 months.

Managing director Ross Rolfe described the first-half result as "pleasing" and said Infigen was looking for further ways to increase profitability of existing assets.

"This will support our future business development and our plans for growth," Mr Rolfe said.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation rose 45 per cent to $84 million, putting Infigen well on the way to achieving its full-year guidance of $140 million, which was upgraded last month after a strong first half of revenues.