WA election: 'Aggressive' focus on credibility in only leaders' debate

Posted February 23, 2017 00:06:31

With just over two weeks to polling day, WA's political leaders have used the only televised debate to make a direct appeal for voters to make one of them premier on March 11.

Premier Colin Barnett urged voters to allow him and his government to guide Western Australia out of the current economic downturn.

"I will lead Western Australia, if elected, through a transition into another period of growing prosperity," he said.

"Have some confidence. Have some belief. Our economy has been difficult, but it is basically strong, [and] is turning for the better as we go forward."

WA Labor leader Mark McGowan reminded voters of the Barnett Government's record debt, deficits and unemployment, and made his case for a fresh start.

"After eight-and-a-half years, it's now time for change," he said.

"After eight-and-a-half years, we now have the worst unemployment rate in Australia, the worst debt and deficit in history.

"I offer stable, competent, secure leadership for the long haul for our state, and I have a team that has put together an excellent program for government."

'Aggressive' bid to strip credibility from opponents

Political analyst Peter Kennedy said both leaders sought to aggressively undermine the other's credibility.

He said Mr McGowan attacked the Liberals' plan to sell Western Power and its preference deal with One Nation, while Mr Barnett cast doubt on Labor's costings and debt reduction plan, and the experience of its leader.

But he said the debate was likely to reinforce, rather than reshape voters' views.

"I think the television debates are useful, I don't think they are decisive," he said.

The two leaders neither interrupted nor interacted during the half-hour debate, which focused heavily on their promises and plans to grow the economy and fix the state's finances.

They faced questions from a panel of the state's most senior political journalists, including ABC News chief political reporter Jessica Strutt.

'Broken promises' under scrutiny

Ms Strutt questioned Mr Barnett on his record of broken promises, including the Max Light Rail project he pledged to build while campaigning in 2013.

Mr Barnett defended his record and said he had delivered on his word.

"People might complain about a particular issue, I acknowledge that, but we have been a good government," he said.

"Over the eight years, this state's economy has grown by 40 per cent."

Mr McGowan said Mr Barnett had a record of pledges made and abandoned.

"The truth of the matter is this has been a period of broken promises," he said.

State's economic woes in spotlight

The panel also quizzed the leaders over their economic plans, in particular the plans for dealing with the state's record debt and deficit.

Mr Barnett maintained the sale of 51 per cent of Western Power provided a clear path to debt reduction and funding capital works.

"The Labor Party have no credible plan for dealing with that debt situation," Mr Barnett said.

Mr McGowan argued Labor had already identified hundreds of millions of dollars in recurrent savings, and would fund its promises, and steadily reduce debt.

"We are responsible and competent financial managers," he said.

"The history of the last eight-and-a-half years has been disastrous."

Premier 'for the long haul'

While the leaders were keen to paint their vision for the next term of government, they were unsparing in their criticism of their political opponent.

Mr Barnett painted Mr McGowan as untested and inexperienced, despite his 20-year career in state politics, arguing he could not be trusted to represent WA on the international stage.

Mr McGowan accused the Premier of trashing the state's finances, leaving a legacy of debt and deficit after two terms of overspending and financial mismanagement.

Mr Barnett was questioned on why voters should elect him when he had made it clear he would not serve a full term.

"If people vote for me and the Liberal Party, they will do it because of what this government has achieved and because of my ability and my international standing to actually guide the next stage in Western Australia's development," he said.

Mr McGowan said Labor offered an alternative leadership "for the long haul", and a clear sense of what mattered most to West Australians.

"I live in Rockingham with people who are worried about their job security," he said.

"People who are losing their jobs, people who are worried about getting into hospitals, who are worried about getting into schools.

"I want to make sure we focus on those things and improve our community as a whole."

Topics: government-and-politics, elections, wa