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    Site login   Login to:   Search    Document delivery    Administration    Logged in as: not logged in (change)   Username    Password         About us Our services News & events Training & support Contact us     Site Search:                                                     jQuery(function($) { $("#go-gallery-151-1 .inner").cycle({fx: "scrollHorz",speed: "5000",timeout: "10000"});});    Latest news  Follow @LibrariesAust !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//web.archive.org./web/20170224235822/http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");  Libraries Australia: 2016 reflections and best wishes for a safe and happy festive season!! December 19, 2016 Libraries Australia celebrated its 35th anniversary on 2 November 2016, and in this milestone year there continues to be a real focus on collaboration, participation and engagement as part of our national service. As we rapidly approach the end of a more...

   Save the date! Announcing the final webinars in The Summer Sessions December 16, 2016 Dear Colleagues Libraries Australia: The Summer Sessions Practitioner Series announced! The Summer Sessions will close with two webinars presented by Terry Reese (Creator of MarcEdit, Head of Digital Initiatives, The Ohio State University Libraries). Aimed at data management practitioners, these more...

   Serial Solutions refresh on the ANBD December 16, 2016 Libraries Australia have just completed a refresh of all Serials Solutions records and holdings supplied to us from ProQuest. All existing holdings and bibliographic records were deleted on Friday 9 December. The updated records and holdings from ProQuest were loaded more...

   Libraries Australia: The Summer Sessions - FREE webinars - registrations now open for sessions #3 and #4 December 13, 2016 Dear Colleagues Brought to you as part of your Libraries Australia subscription, The Summer Sessions are a wonderful opportunity for metadata and resource sharing professionals to keep abreast of developments in the global environment Over 250 people have collectively participated more...

       About our services Search service Cataloguing service Document Delivery service    Get started Joining Libraries Australia Obtaining records Contributing records & holdings     Libraries Australia is a subscription based resource sharing and discovery service managed by the National Library of Australia. Benefits of membership

   Get involved Attend Forum Contact the Advisory Committee Participate in User Group meetings Read our newsletter Subscribe to our discussion lists    Related services Australian ILRS Directory Australian Libraries Gateway Trove        This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial- Share Alike Licence

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