US & Canada

Trump names HR McMaster as national security adviser

General McMaster to replace Michael Flynn who was ousted after misleading US officials about communications with Russia.


For Europe, questions remain as to US foreign policy

It's an uphill battle for the Trump administration to convince the EU that the US will not abandon its Western allies.

by Martin Reardon


Ten things Iranians can do to preempt a Trump war

Donald Trump wants the US to go to war with Iran, but Iranians can still stop or at least delegitimise his efforts.

by Hamid Dabashi

Donald Trump

'Sweden? Terror attack? What has Trump been smoking?'

Confusion and mockery abound as US president refers to Sweden attack that never happened to justify Muslim ban.


How Palestinians should respond to Trump's 'one state'

Palestinians must make clear that the sole prerequisite needed for a lasting peace is justice on their lands.


Russia's Lavrov pushes for 'post-West' world order

Speaking in Munich, Russian foreign minister calls NATO a Cold War relic while Pence pledges 'unwavering' US commitment.

Donald Trump

'Sick!': Trump launches extraordinary attack on media

President Donald Trump has stepped up his verbal attacks on several widely respected US news organisations.


Trump team denies National Guard mobilisation plan

White House dismisses AP report of draft memo calling for many troops to help crack down on undocumented immigrants.


UN-Arab League statement backs Palestinian state

Joint statement by UN and Arab League heads comes after Trump drops US commitment to two-state solution to conflict.

Israeli–Palestinian conflict

US and Israel join forces to bury Palestinian statehood

Trump and Netanyahu are trying to push a more blatant and legalised form of apartheid on the Palestinian people.

by Daoud Kuttab


Trump vows to introduce overhauled travel ban

At an extraordinary press conference, the US president said new order will 'comprehensively protect our country'.

Human Rights

Anti-Muslim groups 'tripled in US since Trump campaign'

Southern Poverty Law Center cites major rise in hate acts against Muslims since launch of presidential campaign in 2015.

Inside Story

What happens to global support for two-state solution?

US President Donald Trump would back single-state solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict if both sides agree.

Climate Change

The case for collaborating on climate change

International collaboration and holistic responses are our best way forward in the fight against climate change.

by Ed Davey

Middle East

UN chief: 'No alternative' to Palestine-Israel solution

Guterres says two-state solution is only way for peace between Israel and Palestine, ahead of Netanyahu-Trump meeting.