
Kenya closes down hundreds of NGOs

Some 510 non-governmental organisations shut down, including 15 for "raising funds for terrorists," authorities say.


Afghan children helped to hear for first time

The hearing impaired have lived in a world of their own, but a new initiative gives them chance to rejoin society.


Aid agencies criticise slow Ebola response

Aid agencies say the international community has been 'woefully underprepared' in tackling the crisis.

Human Rights

Egypt NGOs 'robbed of independence'

Human rights groups have decried Egypt's enforcement of 2002 law that gives the government control over NGOs.

Human Rights

Sri Lanka accused of trying to gag NGOs

Transparency International claims government letter to groups banning press conferences is an effort to silence them.

Humanitarian crises

Iraqi Christians take shelter in Jordan

Amman agrees to serve as temporary stop for refugees until they can eventually be resettled in Western countries.

Human Rights

Refugees overwhelming Iraq camps

Conflict has forced hundreds of thousands from their homes as humanitarian relief efforts struggle to cope with numbers.


Piggybacking to success

How a small organisation seized on Coca-Cola's global reach to save the lives of children in Zambia

People & Power

Cambodia's Orphan Business

People & Power goes undercover to reveal how 'voluntourism' could be fuelling the exploitation of Cambodian children.