Middle East

Iraqi government launches offensive on west Mosul

Prime minister announces start of military operation to take back ISIL's last major urban territory in Iraq.

Inside Story

Will latest Iraqi offensive mean end of ISIL in Mosul?

Iraqi forces and their allies have been fighting for months to push ISIL out of Mosul.

Muslim Ban

Muslim ban 'a matter of life and death' for Iraqis

The Iraqi government has come under increasing pressure to retaliate against Trump's Muslim ban.

Battle for Mosul

Battle for Mosul upends false Iraq narrative

Analysis: The success of Iraq's counterterrorism forces highlights deep public misconceptions about the war on ISIL.


Saudi Arabia says four ISIL cells broken up

At least 18 arrested for providing shelter and funds to ISIL fighters and for recruitment in different parts of kingdom.

Middle East

Deadly car bombing shakes Baghdad

Attack in area full of car dealerships and garages is the latest in renewed wave of blasts to strike the Iraqi capital.

Battle for Mosul

Thousands return to Iraq's Mosul as fighting continues

More than 46,000 people go back to homes in east of city despite fierce fighting between ISIL and government forces.

Middle East

Suicide truck bomber kills nine in Iraq's Baghdad

Powerful blast kills at least nine people and wounds dozens in crowded street of mainly Shia suburb of Iraqi capital.


Iraq's Turkmen mobilise for a post-ISIL future

The minority group has long been divided along sectarian lines - but recent events could bring greater unity.

Middle East

Violence grips protest rally in Baghdad

At least seven killed during demonstration by Muqtada al-Sadr loyalists demanding overhaul of Iraq's electoral system.

Middle East

Iraq riot police fire tear gas at pro-Sadr protesters

Supporters of powerful leader Muqtada al-Sadr are demanding that the electoral commission be reformed.

Battle for Mosul

Fighting the flames of ISIL in Iraq

Firefighters are still working to extinguish the oil wells torched by ISIL as the group retreated from Qayyara.

Human Rights

The forgotten generations: Palestinian refugees in Iraq

Palestinians in Iraq face an uncertain future with little hope of escaping life as stateless refugees.

Muslim Ban

The US Muslim ban and the story of my Iraqi father

In the 1950s political turmoil interrupted my father's life, just like the Muslim ban has now done to many other lives.

by Huda Al-Marashi

Talk to Al Jazeera

ISIL slept in our home

What is homecoming like when you find out that ISIL lived in your house? Returning Iraqis tell us their stories.