
Jordan's worsening economy sparks a new wave of protest

A government increase in sales tax has affected poor and middle-class families, activists say.

Special series

The Business of Colonisation

Philosopher Srecko Horvat looks at Europe's identity crisis and asks if the continent is colonising itself.

Human Rights

Inside the American sanctuary city of Somerville

Can the city maintain its 30-year status as a sanctuary for undocumented migrants as Trump threatens to pull funding?


The Gambia frees 'all prisoners held without trial'

The Gambia's new president has begun his tenure by releasing all prisoners who were detained without a trial.

Human Rights

US: Remembering Japanese internment camps 75 years on

A camp survivor and the granddaughter of interned Japanese Americans take a journey through family and national history.

Humanitarian crises

South Sudan military officials quit over 'war crimes'

A brigadier general and colonel detail atrocities in damning resignation letters addressed to president.

War & Conflict

Uprooting Israel's 'unrecognised' Bedouin

Bedouin homes face ongoing threat of demolition in southern Israel.

In the Field

Hispanic Migrants: Back to Square One

What is driving increasing numbers of migrant Salvadorans to risk their lives in hopes of a new start in the US?


Thousands protest in Panama against corruption

Demonstrators take part in anti-government rally amid growing scandal over bribes paid by Brazilian firm Odebrecht.


Trump team denies National Guard mobilisation plan

White House dismisses AP report of draft memo calling for many troops to help crack down on undocumented immigrants.

War & Conflict

Week in Pictures: From Pakistan blast to US protests

From protests in Kenya and the US to a suicide attack in Pakistan, here is the week in pictures.

101 East

Philippines: Sins of the Father

101 East investigates sexual misconduct inside the most powerful institution in the Philippines - the Catholic Church.

Human Rights

Sexual abuse and the Catholic Church in the Philippines

Abuse allegations against Catholic priests are on the rise, but is enough being done to prosecute the accused?

Human Rights

Anti-Muslim groups 'tripled in US since Trump campaign'

Southern Poverty Law Center cites major rise in hate acts against Muslims since launch of presidential campaign in 2015.

Human Rights

US cities to hold 'Day Without Immigrants' protests

Organisers in Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, Chicago and New York tell immigrants to miss class and work.