
Family Album

Lebanese and Egyptians discover their family history through old photos and tales of the studios where they were taken.

Giving for Eternity

Waqf, an Islamic philanthropic tradition, was abolished in Tunisia in 1957. Now, there are calls to restore it.

ISIL in Brussels

We investigate the ISIL cell responsible for the attacks in Paris and Brussels.

Divorce in Lebanon

The stories of five Lebanese women struggling with the complex systems of divorce within a multi-faith community.

Egypt: The Other Homeland

Revealing a bygone era, we tell the story of Egypt's once-thriving Greek community.

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Staff Picks

In Depth

Scent From Heaven: On the Trail of Oud

Take a journey both dark and beautiful to trace one of the world’s most expensive commodities from its end users in the Middle East to its source in the forests of Southeast Asia.

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