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NSW Multicultural Affairs Minister Ray Williams accused over political donations

Premier Gladys Berejiklian has asked the NSW Liberal party to investigate allegations that Multicultural Affairs Minister Ray Williams accepted thousands of dollars in illegal political donations from property developers before the last election.

Mr Williams, the member for Castle Hill, has denied the allegations, published in the Daily Telegraph on Wednesday.

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In a statement on Wednesday morning, Mr Williams said the allegations were "completely false and I refute them entirely".

"I state for the record, I have never received an illegal donation," Mr Williams said.

"All donations made on behalf of a conference I have represented have been made directly to the Liberal Party of Australia, NSW Division as is required by law.

"It is the responsibility of the Liberal Party, NSW Division to ensure all donations comply with the Expenditure and Disclosures Act.


"I welcome an immediate investigation into these allegations."

Property developers have been prohibited from donating to NSW state election campaigns since 2010.

In a statement on Wednesday, Ms Berejiklian said political donations were managed by the NSW Liberal party.

"I have asked the party to investigate these claims. If any allegations of wrongdoing emerge, they will be referred to the NSW Electoral Commission," she said.

"The NSW Government takes the issue of political donations very seriously and has taken a number of steps in recent years to improve transparency and accountability."

During Question Time Ms Berejiklian read from a report to her by NSW Liberal state director Chris Stone.

In it Mr Stone said the party was examining the donors and donations in question "as it is not clear whether the donors are considered to be property developers as defined under NSW election funding legislation".

Fairfax Media understands the allegations were initially raised by Liberal opponents of Mr Williams in a bid to prevent him being given a ministry prior to Ms Berejiklian announcing her cabinet reshuffle last month.

It has been alleged that Mr Williams, who is aligned with the centre right faction, was appointed to cabinet over left-winger John Sidoti in a factional deal linked to preselection for the North Sydney byelection.

Last year the NSW Liberal party was forced to forgo almost $600,000 in public funding after political donations equal to that amount were deemed by the electoral commission to have been unlawful following an investigation into its fundraising before the 2011 election.

Mr Williams was not involved in that investigation.

On Wednesday morning, Mr Williams said he looked forward to "my good name being cleared at which time I will consider my options regarding any further action I may take regarding the journalist and the Daily Telegraph."