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Trump Really, Really Loves Putin
Donald Trump's First Press Conference
We're live at a rally for immigrant and Muslim rights in New York

Donald Trump has a bizarre obsession with the Oscars, live-tweeting, making video recaps, and calling in to morning shows to give his wacky takes.

The president—who constantly decries ‘Hollywood elitists’—is downright obsessed with the Academy Awards, for years live-tweeting and delivering recaps of Hollywood’s big night.

One of Trump's advisors is a conspiracy theorist who believes 9/11 was an inside job, Sandy Hook was staged with child actors, and the gov't is poisoning the water to turn the frogs gay.

The ‘Late Show’ host did a deep dive into the conspiracy theory site InfoWars during his Wednesday night monologue.

From what we can see so far, the broad policies we can expect will deliver more tax favors to the political donor class.

While the president talks a big game about real relief, he’s expecting a compliant Republican Congress to deliver still more favors to the already favored donor class.

By all appearances, North Dakota has become the Selma of the North.

Police brutality against protesters is reminiscent of civil-rights battles like Selma. Will it turn bloody when authorities tell protesters to leave today?

Seth Meyers doesn't hold back.

The ‘Late Night’ host took “A Closer Look” at President Trump’s doomed immigration policies.

Pop artist Andy Warhol passed away today in 1987:

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Both killers seemed to have a thing for Waffle House.

On the same day police discovered a tortured woman and her dead boyfriend, cops the town over found another woman buried.

Ignore the alarmist commentators.

Parents of trans kids are not rushing their offspring through transitioning. The process is sensitively and carefully overseen.

The White House claimed that Trump is “respectful and supportive of LGBTQ rights.” Apparently the “T” was silent.

The Trump administration tells states and schools they can require transgender students to use bathrooms corresponding to their birth-assigned gender without fear of legal and financial retribution.

“There have been so many points in my life when I thought I was done and the movement was done, and I want people to be aware of that right now with Trump. When it seems like it may be over, it’s never over.”

Cleve Jones saw his mentor Harvey Milk’s dead body, and has been a passionate activist for 40 years. Now mainstream stardom beckons thanks to ABC drama ‘When We Rise.’

Standing Rock is on fire.

Water protectors set fire to camp structures as law enforcement prepared a final raid on Wednesday.|By Jack Smith IV

"Waiting for me inside the restaurant, which glows like Edward Hopper’s diner in his famous painting Nighthawks, is head baker Justin Rosengarten..."

We got an inside look at Danny Meyer’s giant pastry kitchen underneath his famed restaurant.


They were targeted — and now they have to pay, literally.

Why did it take the desecration of a Jewish cemetery for President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Pence to finally condemn anti-Semitism?

The president is not an anti-Semite, but he is the head of an anti-Semitic movement.

For the sake of privacy of the club members, no faces were shown in the exposé.

The country’s anti-discrimination department used funds intended to combat homophobia to invest in private prostitution clubs.

Former CIA agent Sabrina De Sousa will be extradited to Italy to serve out a four-year prison sentence for her alleged involvement in a U.S. program that kidnapped terror suspects.

Four-year prison sentence for her part in rendition program.
Scoops, Scandals and Secret Worlds
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