Thousands expected to attend 'Not My Presidents Day' rallies across the country
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Tens of thousands of protesters are expected to attend demonstrations across the country to rally against President Trump on President’s Day.

Protesters have used the federal holiday to organize “Not my Presidents Day” rallies in major cities, following several weekends of organized protests against the new president.

Rallies are scheduled to take place in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, among other cities. More than 47,000 people on Facebook have said they would attend a rally in New York City, and tens of thousands of others have said they will attend other rallies nationwide.

The rallies are expected to be peaceful demonstrations held to target Trump and his administration’s policies, according to the descriptions on several Facebook events.

Donald TrumpDonald TrumpScarborough: Trump's first month makes it harder to call him 'Mr. President' President Trump an anti-Semite? Talk about #FakeNews... Thiel company helped support NSA spy program: report MORE stands against the progress we have worked hard to enact,” the descriptions read. “He does not represent our interests. He was voted in by a minority of the American public but governs as if there's no resistance. But there is — and on February 20th, we will honor previous presidents by exercising our constitutional right to assemble and peacefully protest everything Donald Trump stands for.”

Protesters have gathered nearly every weekend since Trump took office in January. On his first full-day in the White House, nearly 3 million people participated in "Women's March" protests around the world — one of the largest of which took place in Washington, D.C..

Protesters have also gathered at airports across the country in response to Trump's executive order that temporarily halted visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. A federal appeals court has since temporarily blocked Trump's order.