Sunday, February 19, 2017

glampunk salon

Next Saturday, 4.30 - 6.30 pm, Los Angeles  - I'll be discussing glam rock and punk rock with Steve Jones and Vivien Goldman.

It's part of the Happy Accidents salon series started by LA publisher Hat & Beard, in collaboration with LA venue No Name. Copies of Shock and Awe and Jones's memoir Lonely Boy available to buy signed, courtesy Skylight Books.

Address is 432 N. Fairfax Avenue, LA.

Admission is free with RSVP to

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Remembering Mark

Touching and painful - but also hopeful - now online are the texts of the tributes to Mark Fisher delivered at the memorial last Sunday at Goldsmiths - by friends, colleagues, comrades and mentorees: Tariq Goddard, Jeremy Gilbert, Justin Barton, Tristan Adams, and Robin Mackay.