Paul Ryan Is Fundraising Off Healthcare While Working to Kill It For Millions

So much for "drain the swamp." It's business as usual in Washington and Speaker Ryan is pulling in the big bucks as he prepares to pull the rug out from average Americans.

John Humphries: Schooled by Team Walker, Betsy DeVos and ALEC

John Humphries has undergone a remarkable political transformation.

Court Orders EPA Nominee Scott Pruitt to Release Emails

Today, the Oklahoma County Court found Trump EPA nominee Scott Pruitt in violation of the state’s Open Records Act.

ALEC Embraces Trumpism

Love is in the air as the American Legislative Exchange Council embraces the Trump presidency.

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There is a "sucker punch" aspect of this entire episode, that has been used in the past, that makes it doubly despicable. The now dead open records issue was so completely outrageous and unexpected that it served its intended purpose – to draw attention away from the many other very contentious and controversial aspects of this budget. And that was exactly what Walker and the majority Republicans wanted to happen.

--Jay Heck, Common Cause in Wisconsin

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