Retiree strategies to ride out pension changes

Spending up big before January 1 to keep your age pension is tempting but you'll stymie your retirement plans.
Spending up big before January 1 to keep your age pension is tempting but you'll stymie your retirement plans.

When the Coalition unveiled changes to the age pension rules in the 2015 budget, there seemed to be no shortage of experts arguing that consumers would be better off – or at least no worse off – renovating their homes, buying fancy cars or blowing cash on an overseas holiday than saving hard for their retirement.

The fear is that with a new means-testing regime for the age pension set to be introduced in less than two months, on January 1, that is exactly what is happening. Why not re-model the bathroom and add a bedroom, or buy a boat, particularly if it means you will be able to extract more money from the government via the age pension?

But as strong as the temptation might be, say more level-headed advisers, savers and retirees should think hard before they embark on a spending spree. Their warnings are backed by the Actuaries Institute.

"You have to think long term, over your whole retirement period," says Andrew Boal, convenor of the superannuation practice for the Actuaries Institute. "By spending and having less assets now, you might get more age pension straight away, but you will be more likely to run out of money later in life and rely fully on the age pension."

Impact of new age pension rules on different super balances. Scenario 1.
Impact of new age pension rules on different super balances. Scenario 1.

The changes to the pension rules sound drastic, but in fact they largely take the system back to where it stood in 2007.

Under the new regime, the upper threshold for a couple who own their own home to receive a part pension will fall to $816,000 from $1.2 million. For a single homeowner, the threshold will fall to $542,000 from $794,000. At the lower end, however, a couple who own their home will be able to receive a full pension with $375,000 of assets, rather than just $297,000,000 of assets. A single homeowner will be able to claim a full pension with $250,000 of assets, up from $209,000.

Those who lose their entitlement to the age pension will retain pensioner concessions.

The changes in the so-called taper rate will further hit part pensioners. From January 1, 2017 an individual's pension will be reduced by $3 per fortnight, or $78 a year, for each extra $1,000 in assessable assets. Currently the amount of pension falls by $1.50 for each extra $1000 of assets. It is a significant reduction in the income part pensioners will receive from the public purse.

The changes will produce some seemingly bizarre outcomes for retiree incomes.

 Scenario 2
Scenario 2

Analysis by the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia shows that a couple who own their home would have a higher annual income with just $200,000 of savings than a couple retiring on $1.1 million. Assuming a rate of return of 3 per cent, the couple with $1.1 million of assets would earn $33,000 in interest income while a couple with $200,000 in savings would have access to the full age pension, paying $34,500 a year including allowances, and a further $6,000 in interest income, giving them an annual income of more than $40,000.

This might be an extreme example and it is (hopefully) hard to imagine people being prepared to fritter away $800,000 to achieve a higher annual income. Spending a few hundred thousand dollars, though, to gain access to a part pension might not seem so bad.

But, warn advisers, think hard before you do it.

"Once you've spent your capital, it's gone and there are probably not that many ways to get your hands on it again," says Patrick Canion, chief executive of advice firm ipac Western Australia. "The fact is that having a bit more money gives you choices in the future."

Mark Draper of GEM Capital Financial Advice adds: "Anecdotally there are people who are spending money on a house or travel. It is not sustainable. It is a permanent loss of capital."

The Actuaries Institute says that by selling down capital over many years in retirement – rather than on an expensive holiday or trophy – individuals will be able to maintain a better quality of lifestyle.

The institute modelled the level of retirement income that a couple with $1 million of assets (not including the family home) would earn from January, and compared this to a couple who started with the same amount but spent $250,000 on home improvements, giving them access to the age pension from January.

The study found that the couple who maintained their assets would derive an income of $68,000 a year, while the "spendthrifts" who reduced their assets to $750,000 would have an annual income of $62,000 – or 9 per cent less – even though they would gain access to the pension several years earlier. The modelling assumes a net investment return of 6 per cent and the couple drawing down their capital gradually over a 25-year period. In both cases it is assumed that the couple retired at 67 and would go onto a full pension at the age of 92, having considerably run down their capital by then.

Preparedness to draw down on capital is key to the modelling and is a key message from the Actuaries Institute.

"People should be thinking of their retirement period in full and making use of their capital over time," Boal says. "Retirees should consider using some capital each year to live as good a lifestyle as possible. Later in life, what sort of lifestyle will you be living?" Boal adds that the spending needs of a 90-year old are typically 10-15 per cent lower than a 70-year old.

Nerida Cole of Dixon Advisory says it is important for retirees to get used to the idea that they might need to draw down more of their capital. It can be a big adjustment, given that many Australians are determined to bequeath as much money as they can to their families.

"Drawing down your capital can have a psychological impact," Cole says. It might be necessary, though, when you consider that you will have to earn at least 7.8 per cent on each extra $1000 of assets over certain thresholds to maintain your capital and your lifestyle from next year if you lose a portion of the part pension.

For some retirees, the loss or reduction in age pension payments might mean a mixture of drawing down their capital and making their savings work harder. It might also involved trimming expenses.

Cole says the first step is to determine how much pension a retiree will lose. The "assets test estimator" on the Department of Human Services website ( will provide an estimate of the level of pension retirees can expect to receive from January 1.

GEM Capital Financial Advice's Draper says that when calculating the value of assets, retirees should be careful to make sure items such as cars, boats and caravans are properly depreciated. "Look at trade-in values. The value of your car is not what you paid for it," he says. Further, the value of household contents and personal effects is "fire sale" value – generally $10,000 – not the insured value or the replacement cost. The difference in the two amounts can be quite substantial.

At the margin, it might also be worth considering making gifts to reduce assets, although there is not much wriggle room. The limit is $10,000 a year for a a maximum of $30,000 over a total of five years. Funerals can be pre-paid for a value of up to $12,000 each and excluded from the assets test.

The next step, assuming there is an income gap, is to review the household budget and check if there are expenses that can be cut back.

Then it is time for a portfolio review.

Advisers recommend retirees with too much in cash consider creating a more balanced portfolio, particularly given the likelihood that most people entering retirement can expect to live for another 20 or 25 years.

"Your portfolio should reflect that likelihood," says Canion. "People should be asking themselves: should I be embracing risk?"

Draper points out that many people can afford to take on more risk than term deposits with the major banks, where the returns are far from attractive. Balanced portfolios that contain some equities as well as more conservative investments should be considered. That said, care needs to be taken because the prices of many high yielding shares have risen sharply over the past few years.

Retirees with a high level of exposure to equities and who expect to draw down their capital might need to re-think their strategy too.

"If you have to draw down your capital in the short term, you might need to look at having fewer equities in your portfolio," says Cole, noting that shares are highly volatile and retirees should avoid having to sell them during a downturn.

One way to avoid selling assets at low prices is to keep three years of expenses in cash, says Canion. "If you've got three years, you should be able to ride out the volatility," he adds.