Heathens United Against Racism

Heathens United Against Racism is a group dedicated to bringing together Heathens who are opposed to racism and co-optation of our beliefs, traditions, and lore by racist groups. This group is open to all interested people regardless of race, gender, sexuality, class, national origin, or political affiliation.

Learn more

Light the Beacons 2017

Monday, March 27th, 2017 by

Stand together for inclusive, hospitable Heathenry!

On this coming May Day we call on all Heathens around the world who stand for inclusive, tolerant, and diverse practice to light a beacon in solidarity with all other Heathens who stand for these values in our spirituality. Whether you are lighting a candle in your home with your loved ones or are hosting a bonfire party open to the public we ask you help us shine a light on all the good work, good practice, and good people in Heathenry across Midgard.

This practice has deep roots. In ancient and medieval times different groups and societies across Europe had chains of bonfire beacons they would light as a warning of impending attack and to rally people to the defense of their homes.  Last year Heathens from over 200 locations across Midgard participated in our first lighting of the beacons.  This year, as turmoil, struggle, uncertainty, and fear’s shadow looms over all, we hope to do even better.  Together we will be the light holding back the night, the spark igniting the fire of resistance, and the shield between our community and those who seek its demise.

If you choose to participate please take a picture of your beacon, whether it is a candle or a roaring bonfire, send it to HUAR with the number of people who participated and where, in terms of the nearest major city or region, it took place. If you want to organize a public bonfire event please send us the information and we will help promote it. Together we will ignite a fire in our hearts and homes that will push back the shadows of fear & ignorance, shine light on our honor, and rally the hopes of Heathens everywhere.

If you are participating in this event and posting your fires, no matter how large or small, please send the pictures to us via Facebook or email at contact@heathensunited.org and post them through your own social media accounts and websites using the following hashtags:


Together we stand for inclusive Heathenry and a brighter future for all!

Solidarity Statement with Whitefish

Sunday, January 8th, 2017 by

We, the members of Heathens United Against Racism (HUAR), are horrified by the news coming from Whitefish, Montana. As we have learned an armed gang of neo-Nazis is threatening to march through the town on January 15th to intimidate residents participating in anti-racist action into silence & compliance. They have further threatened Montana’s Jewish community and are organizing virtual lynch mobs to harass & defame these people for refusing to accept the presence of notorious white nationalist Richard Spencer in their midst.

We stand with Whitefish.

We stand with the Montana Jewish community.

We stand with all who fight organized bigotry in their homes & communities.

We call on all HUAR members & supporters, Heathens, Pagans, & people committed to the cause of inclusivity to stand with Whitefish however you can. If you live in the area be at the ready to oppose any attempts by Richard Spencer & the Daily Stormer’s goon squads from marching through Whitefish. We ask everyone to donate to the Montana Human Rights Network.  If you need help in reaching our members on the ground participating in these actions please reach out to us via contact@heathensunited.org.

“If evil you see & evil you know speak out against it & give your enemies no peace.”

Havamal 127


Declaration 127

Monday, September 5th, 2016 by

Declaration 127

hvars þú böl kannt kveðu þat bölvi at ok gefat þínum fjándum frið

D127sticker2-5The organizations listed below represent a truly diverse set of voices within modern Heathenry. They represent national organizations, resource centers, local kindreds, as well as a plethora of authors and community leaders from every possible branch of our religion and walk of life. These independent organizations have signed this article due to a single shared interest. (more…)

We are Going International!

Monday, September 5th, 2016 by

As of last night Heathens Against Racism UK has officially become an affiliate of Heathens United Against Racism!  Everyone please join us in welcoming HUAR UK into the fold as our first national section!

Related to that we are restructuring things a bit so that, as an organization, we can act more effectively locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.  Along with HUAR UK we are also forming two new sections to better organize our efforts: HUAR US and HUAR Canada.

If there is anyone anywhere in the world whose locale is not currently part of an existing HUAR section don’t worry!  You are always free to join HUAR International or, if there are enough people in your area, organize a new section for action in your country and contact us directly for more information on how you can affiliate with HUAR.  If you are already part of an existing section and there are lots of folks in your local area who are interested in doing more you can organize a local chapter and ask your section for their approval to be a chapter of HUAR.

Through better organization, communication, solidarity, and work, locally and globally, we will build a strong, inclusive Heathenry for all!

Statement on the Asatru Folk Assembly

Wednesday, August 24th, 2016 by

We, the members of Heathens United Against Racism, declare our solidarity with all inclusive Heathens in the United States and around the world who stand for a community where worth, not birth, is the truest measure of a person’s character. We stand without question in support of all Heathen communities who embrace people regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, sexuality, gender identity, mental, or physical ability. The historical record shows, contrary to white supremacist propaganda, the ancients traveled far, traded with many, & intermarried freely. Even some of the Gods, like Thor & Odin, were born of Aesir & Jotnar & others, like Loki & Freya, actively defied “traditional” gender norms.