GreenSync co-opts solar households to avert blackouts

Greensync founder and CEO Dr Phil Blythe is expecting "behind the meter" generation in household and firms to account ...
Greensync founder and CEO Dr Phil Blythe is expecting "behind the meter" generation in household and firms to account for up to 40 per cent of system capacity by 2040. Vince Caligiuri

Melbourne software firm GreenSync wants to offer more money to solar and battery households to entice them to help stabilise the grid and prevent blackouts by participating in "load shedding" at peak demand times. 

GreenSync has joined with two energy companies and a government green bank for trials of a "virtual power station" platform - "deX" - that uses spare energy from solar and battery homes to smooth over electricity demand spikes and help prevent blackouts and shortages like those in South Australia and NSW this month

Managing director Phil Blythe said "behind the meter" generation in household and firms is expected to account for 30-40 per cent of system capacity by 2040. Platforms like deX can harnesses these distributed energy resources to strengthen the grid as more wind and solar comes in and coal plants shut.

The trials aim to show that software can spread "load shedding" – voluntarily reducing electricity usage to prevent blackouts and ease shortages – across Australia's 1.6 million solar and battery households and firms, vastly increasing the latent energy available to stabilise the grid.

ARENA CEO Ivor Frischknecht says demand management could account for 20-50 per cent of peak electricity demand.
ARENA CEO Ivor Frischknecht says demand management could account for 20-50 per cent of peak electricity demand. Anthony Johnson

Maximum price

During extreme demand peaks, households could even be offered the maximum grid price – $14,000 a megawatt hour or $14 a kilowatt hour – or other incentives to persuade them to shed load. 

Currently they get about 6¢/KWh or a few cents more from retailers like Powershop or platforms like Powerledger – though a few get as much as $1/KWh during demand peaks under a "grid credits" scheme offered by software firm Reposit Power

Typically power companies call up individual firms and cajole them into shedding some of their load at times during extreme demand peaks, or order them to do so under contract - as AGL Energy did to the Tomago aluminium smelter two weeks ago.

This restricts voluntary load shedding or "demand management" to a few firms, or about 1 per cent of demand compared to 10 per cent in the US, Mr Blythe said. 

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg are pushing taxpayer funding of "clean coal" power ...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg are pushing taxpayer funding of "clean coal" power stations. Andrew Meares

The deX technology is one of a flood of innovations – from pumped hydro storage to grid-scale batteries, home batteries, smart grids and solar concentrators – becoming available as more flexible and cost-effective alternatives to big bang solutions like building new "clean coal" power stations or high-voltage interconnectors.

Smart grid

Mr Blythe said "smart grid" technology now allows any household or firm with a smart meter and the right software to be offered demand management. Ivor Frischknecht, chief executive of ARENA, said demand management could potentially supply from 20 per cent to 50 per cent of peak demand. 

All they have to do is agree to surrender control of their solar panels and batteries to the network operator for a few hours a year. They can choose to set their system to limit their peak demand to, say, 2KWh a day, program airconditioners or pool pumps to switch off, drop to zero and export all their surplus energy to the grid as needed, or only respond to maximum price signals. 

Greensync CEO Dr Phil Blythe says harnessing the surplus energy in solar and battery homes will be far cheaper than ...
Greensync CEO Dr Phil Blythe says harnessing the surplus energy in solar and battery homes will be far cheaper than building a new coal-fired power station. Vince Caligiuri

By joining energy distributors United Energy on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula and ActewAGL in the ACT, GreenSync avoids the need to seek its own regulatory approval – a stumbling block for US firm EnerNOC in Australia

"It's an opportunity for us to try and get ahead of developments in the market," Mr Blythe said. "We don't have time to wait for the regulators to catch up." ARENA is funding $450,000 of the trial's $930,200 cost, and Reposit and retailer Mojo Power are participating. 

The United Energy trial will target solar and battery homes on the Mornington Peninsula. The Peninsula's population has grown rapidly and jumps by 30 per cent in the summer.

100 per cent solar

deX aims to harness the spare energy in household solar panels, batteries, airconditioners and pool pumps by offering them more money to export power to the grid during demand peaks.
How deX will work
Wind power and solar power are pushing out coal and gas
The electricity grid is evolving from a centralised system with large coal, gas and hydro power stations at its heart to a decentralised network with more wind and solar power, batteries and other “distributed energy resources” at lower levels.
The network operator needs to access distributed energy resources at the right place and time to efficiently stabilise the grid and prevent blackouts.
At times of high demand the network operator offers higher prices to households and firms - right up to the $14/KWh at extreme peaks - to persuade them to help avert blackouts by reducing their power demand.
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt
Ben Potter

The aim is to see if demand management can postpone or avoid altogether the high cost of upgrading the network to cope with just a few weeks of sharply elevated demand.

Mr Blythe said creating a virtual power plant out of distributed energy resources can be done quickly and "will be far far cheaper than building a new coal-fired power station ... because the assets are already there and you are just utilising them". 

The ActewAGL trial looks at managing new housing coming on stream with solar penetrations of as much as 100 per cent. Network companies already struggle with fluctuations in energy flow from solar households, which export heavily to the grid in daylight hours and draw power from the grid at other times. 

Mr Blythe said Australia was at the forefront of solar rooftop penetration globally and needed to get more wind and solar energy into the grid to meet emissions targets but "neighbourhoods won't be able to take 100 per cent solar without this technology". 

GreenSync raised $11.5 million for expansion in January