Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. ots. 20
  2. ots. 20

    Migrants gang fighting against local ppl & police in Paris. Where is the media now?

  3. ots. 20

    A moment of silence for those who elected a President who gets his intelligence briefings from FOX News, not from agencies

  4. Duela 27 minutu

    Life comes at you fast This is why we hate the mainstream media.

  5. Duela 7 ordu

    Peter is still locked out of Twitter, but otherwise he is fine. Peter asked us to spread the word.

  6. Duela 7 ordu

    Stockholm is on fire. Donald Trump told the truth to the People four days prior to it appearing in newspapers.

  7. Duela 10 ordu
  8. Duela 11 ordu

    🇸🇪Yeah, nothing to see here in Sweden🔥

  9. Duela 13 ordu

    : Rinkeby, Stockhol. Migrants throw stones against police, warning shots, looting & fire everywhere.

  10. Duela 18 ordu

    Sweden is more concerned about their image than women being raped and dissipating welfare "Rioting Breaks Out In Sweden"

  11. Duela 18 ordu
  12. Duela 18 ordu

    As if on cue, Rioting Breaks Out In Sweden in an area known as Little Mogadishu.

  13. Duela 20 ordu

    Oh look, "Rioting Breaks Out in Sweden." Turns out Trump was right after all & the media response to was all .

  14. ots. 21

    Refugees in Sweden are so kind that they welcome reporters with punches! Pathetic!

  15. ots. 21

    Massive riots happening now in Sweden. Stockholm in flames. is real.

  16. ots. 20

    give credit to 4 putting attention on ! Those listening understood!

  17. ots. 20
  18. ots. 20

    Why doesn't the MSM report on any rape & crime taking place in Sweden? Because it doesn't fit their Pro-Refugee narrative.

  19. ots. 20

    Whoever created this, you win the internet today

  20. ots. 20

    : Sweden: Muslim Refugee grope girls between their legs and slap them in the face when they protest

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