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South Koreans to live longest among developed nations by 2030, researchers project

The World Today By Penny Timms
A woman's hand holding an elderly patient

Australians will have an average life expectancy of 84 years in 2030.

Rosie O'Beirne

Humans in developed nations are living longer than ever before, with life expectancy in some countries soon expected to surpass 90 years, an international team of researchers project.

The researchers analysed 35 countries, including Australia, the United States and Finland, using death and population data from between 1985 and 2010.

They estimate that in 2030, South Koreans will lead the world in life expectancy among both men and women, and that Australians will live 84 years on average.

If the findings prove correct, they could have significant ramifications for global health and social services.

Dr James Bennett, a researcher at Imperial College London, said Australia is outperforming most of the 35 nations he and his team researched.

"The recent improvements you've had in Australia, kind of like lower road traffic injuries and smoking, and also blood pressure I believe you've been dealing with very well," Dr Bennett said.

"So these things are great success stories for Australia, and you're still right at top of the table."

Women projected to live longer than men

However according to the research released on Wednesday in the Lancet, South Korean women born in 2030 are expected to live beyond 90 years, the longest anywhere.

Dr Bennett said South Korea's projection was based on several areas performing well.

"[South Korea] has low levels of obesity and blood pressure — lower than most Western countries — has lower rates of smoking in women," he said.

"They have a very equitable health system, which compares for instance with the USA, where there is no universal health insurance, and therefore you get some groups in society being left behind."

Compared to other rich countries, the United States' homicide, obesity, and child mortality rate are also working against its citizens.

American men are tipped to surpass 79.5 years, and women 83.3 years by 2030.

Longer lives straining social security

But while living longer may sound tempting, Dr Bennett said a higher life expectancy does not necessarily mean an increased quality of life.

It could also put a strain on social and health services as they deal with an older population for longer.

"It's a very important issue that governments have to address now because there will be an ever-increasing cost to having an aged population," Dr Bennett said.

The World Health Organisation has been spearheading a program to encourage governments to develop policies for coping with ageing populations, according to Yvonne Wells, a professor of aged care at La Trobe University.

She said it is part of the reason why the Australian Government has been making some tough changes in recent years.

"As far as Australia's concerned, in many ways we are well prepared, but in others, there are gaps as well," Professor Wells said.

"We have a reasonable financial system to support older people, and this is one of the reasons the Government's been delaying the pension eligibility age and encouraging people to both stay at work for longer and to put money aside for their superannuation."

According to Professor Wells, Australia's aged care services ranked well compared to other similar nations.

But she said Australians should be preparing for their future now to ensure they live not only longer lives, but better quality ones.

"Putting aside money for your retirement, having some kind of retirement plan — what you'd like to actually do once you're not going to work five days a week," she said.

"It's about staying healthy in middle age, smoking, diet, exercise — all those kinds of things are all intended to help Australians live longer and healthier lives."

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