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Dec 1 2016

Pundits Told Dems to Spurn Sanders for ‘Electable’ Clinton

The idea that Sanders had not been “properly examined” was pure dogma, asserted by pundits with hardly any critical thought. It was a major contributing factor to the Democrats not nominating someone who, by available measures, was a stronger candidate than Clinton.

Dec 1 2016

Another Election Day Loser: Corporate Media

How should the media be covering these races, and how should public opinion be measured and absorbed? What kind of debates between candidates would actually matter? These are the valuable questions that media organizations should be asking themselves.

Dec 1 2016

Schoolhouse Rock Won’t Stop Fascism

President Trump, like any president henceforth, will start off his administration with all the tools he needs to establish an authoritarian regime. And any impulse to do so will no doubt be facilitated by an elite press corps.

Dec 1 2016

Soundbites December 2016


The Presidency–and Trump– Dominated Front Pages… Overlooking a ‘Screaming Faksehood’… ‘Smearing’ Thomas by Investigating ‘Terrible Things’… NYT: US Not ‘Involved’ in a War Where It Helped Kill 4,000 Civilians… ‘A Disaster For Democracy’

Nov 1 2016

Soundbites November 2016


Erin Burnett, Outside Agitator… Ugliness in the Eye of the Reporter… Berrying the Lead… Justice for Corporations—Not War Crime Victims… When Is Direct Military Intervention Not Direct Military Intervention?… US Media Ignore Brazilian Coup Confession

Nov 1 2016

By Assuming Snowden’s Guilt, NYT Indicts Itself—and Journalism

If we’re going to call Snowden’s documents “stolen,” then journalists frequently receive “stolen” records from sources and use them as the basis for stories—as the Times itself has done with documents released by Snowden. If Snowden is a thief, then the New York Times is a fence.

Nov 1 2016

Which Candidate Will Better Exploit the Irrational Fear of Terrorism?

But media don’t just cover terrorism, they engage in meta-terrorism—the terror that comes from the gratuitous or excessive coverage of stories that don’t actually involve terrorism, but rather potential or staged terrorism, or ISIS propaganda repackaged as news.

Nov 1 2016

Young Are a Handy Scapegoat for Elders’ Attraction to Trump

How do you blame Trump on the age group least likely to vote for Trump?