Feb 19 2017

Are Liberals Helping Trump? Not Much, Apparently

approximately 25 million US adults who have started disapproving of Trump’s month-old presidency, and about 12 million who have stopped supporting it. It’s possible that without Trump’s critics’ “moral Bolshevism,” even more people would have joined the opposition. But if liberals are helping Trump, they’re obviously not helping him very much.

Feb 17 2017

Scrutiny for Supreme Court Pick Fails to Focus on Rights of Disabled

Despite disabled people constituting, according to the Census Bureau, some 19 percent of the US population—that’s nearly 1 in 5 people—how the highest court in the land may affect their ability to work and live just isn’t that interesting to corporate media.

Feb 17 2017

Jessica Gonzalez on FCC Chair Ajit Pai

What’s ahead for the public interest under Ajit Pai, Trump’s choice for chair of the FCC? CounterSpin talks with Jessica Gonzalez, deputy director and senior counsel at the group Free Press.

Feb 16 2017

ACTION ALERT: WaPo’s Post Live Series Is a Love Letter to Corporate Conflicts of Interest

Please contact the Washington Post and urge it to stop allowing corporations to sponsor events when they have a direct financial interest in the subject.

Feb 15 2017

Trump Supporters Support Trump: To Maintain ‘Balance,’ Media Resort to Tautology

the press parachutes into red-state diners, barbershops and grocery store parking lots to seek out Trump voters—and only Trump voters—to gauge their support for the ban.

Feb 14 2017

‘Trump Wants to Take an Axe to the Regulatory State’

CounterSpin interview with Amit Narang on the anti-regulation rule

“Journalists need to point out exactly what’s at stake and exactly what people will be losing as the Trump administration seeks to repeal all sorts of Obama-era regulations.”

Feb 14 2017

‘School Choice Is Not Serving the Most Disenfranchised’

CounterSpin interview with Kevin Kumashiro on Betsy DeVos

“If we’re now saying that the role of the federal government is not to advance issues of equity, diversity and social justice, but rather to fuel the privatizing and the dismantling of public education, then that absolutely is a big shift.”

Feb 13 2017

‘It Is Not at All Typical to Stifle Basic Scientific Information’

CounterSpin interview with Andrew Rosenberg on Trump's hostility to science

“If you tell technical experts…you have to only give us information that we like, then you’re not getting technical advice. You’re telling them not to do their jobs.”