Feb 14 2017

‘Trump Wants to Take an Axe to the Regulatory State’

CounterSpin interview with Amit Narang on the anti-regulation rule

“Journalists need to point out exactly what’s at stake and exactly what people will be losing as the Trump administration seeks to repeal all sorts of Obama-era regulations.”

Feb 14 2017

‘School Choice Is Not Serving the Most Disenfranchised’

CounterSpin interview with Kevin Kumashiro on Betsy DeVos

“If we’re now saying that the role of the federal government is not to advance issues of equity, diversity and social justice, but rather to fuel the privatizing and the dismantling of public education, then that absolutely is a big shift.”

Feb 13 2017

‘It Is Not at All Typical to Stifle Basic Scientific Information’

CounterSpin interview with Andrew Rosenberg on Trump's hostility to science

“If you tell technical experts…you have to only give us information that we like, then you’re not getting technical advice. You’re telling them not to do their jobs.”

Feb 13 2017

‘This Is a Country That’s in a Tremendous Crisis’

CounterSpin interview with Zaid Jilani on the Yemen raid

“It’s important for people, whenever they address news events, to understand that we don’t live in year zero. There’s always a history and a context.”

Jan 31 2017

‘We Should Not Be Subsidizing an Industry That Is Hurting Our Communities’

CounterSpin interview with David Turnbull on pipeline politics

“The US government gives tens of billions of dollars a year to the fossil fuel industry by way of subsidies, tax breaks, handouts from the American people to an industry that has been in existence for over a hundred years and is doing the work to destroy our planet. “

Jan 31 2017

‘People Have the Right to Take to the Streets’

CounterSpin interview with Mara Verheyden-Hilliard on inauguration protests

“It is not a crime to be in proximity to other people who break the law in conjunction with First Amendment activities. It is not a crime to be reporting on protests going on, even if portions of those protests become violent.”

Jan 24 2017

‘Misremembering King Rewrites the Press’s Own Role in History’

Transcript of CounterSpin's special episode on the media and Martin Luther King

National news media have never really come to terms with what Martin Luther King Jr. stood for during his final years, when he challenged the country’s fundamental economic and international priorities, when he opposed the war in Vietnam, when he called the United States “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.”

Jan 20 2017

‘What Communities Are Doing Is Making Homelessness Less Visible’

CounterSpin interview with Megan Hustings on Food-Sharing

“Homelessness is a large problem, but we’re not going to solve it by saying, you can’t be homeless here.”