Jan 7 2015

Torture Advocates Outnumbered Critics 2-to-1

FAIR survey finds torturers well-represented on TV news

A new FAIR study finds that torture defenders outnumbered critics of torture by nearly 2 to 1 in TV news coverage of the Senate Intelligence Committee report released on December 9. FAIR surveyed the guests of nine news programs for the week of December 7 to December 14, when discussion of the torture report’s findings was most prominent. The programs included the Sunday talk shows (NBC‘s Meet the Press, CBS‘s Face the Nation, ABC‘s This Week, Fox News Sunday and CNN’s State of the Union) along with four weekday news shows (MSNBC‘s Hardball, Fox‘s Special Report, the first hour of […]

Dec 23 2014

The 2014 P.U.-litzers

Some of the stinkiest reporting from the past year

It’s that time of year again– let’s revisit some of the smelliest journalism of the past year.

Nov 6 2014

The ‘Center’ Always Holds

Media advise Dems to move to the right once more

Corporate media always recommend Democrats move to the right after an election.

Sep 12 2014

Four Myths About Obama’s War on ISIS

A reluctant warrior intervenes against a threat to the homeland--or so we're told

While Barack Obama’s military plan to launch strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) might impress many pundits, there are some serious questions that should be asked–about the threat posed by the Islamic State and about some of the assumptions guiding the debate.

Aug 28 2014

Labor Almost Invisible on TV Talk

Sunday chat shows skip worker representatives

Have any labor leaders appeared on the Sunday chat shows this year? No, unless you count one reference to Ronald Reagan.

Apr 24 2014

TPP TV Blackout

A big controversy that isn't news--but look what is...

The TV networks don’t think the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal is newsworthy. But look at what they do think is worth covering….

Apr 15 2014

Can White People Be Terrorists?

How media label Kansas shooting suspect

The man accused of shooting and killing three people at Jewish community centers in Kansas has a long history as a right-wing terrorist. So why won’t media call him a terrorist?

Dec 27 2013

The 2013 P.U.-Litzers

Media Moments That Didn't Smell Right

Some of the year’s stinkiest moments in corporate media– it’s the 2013 P.U.-Litzers!