Our combined activism get results - FAIR has seen forced rewrites of stories, has propelled undercovered stories from the sidelines to the mainstream and succeeded in getting important, unheard perspectives into the news.

Jun 15 2016

NPR Retracts False Claim About Terror and Politics, But Doesn’t Tell Listeners the Truth

If it was worth NPR’s airtime to give a false impression of the connection between terrorism and electoral politics, isn’t it worth airtime to tell people what the actual historical record says?

Apr 7 2016

FAIR Activists Get Two Responses From NPR on Fossil-Fuel Funding Controversy

FAIR.org readers got a response from NPR ombud Elizabeth Jensen and a do-over from NPR factchecker Peter Overby —but NPR’s coverage still leaves a lot to be desired in terms of forthrightly addressing the issue of fossil-fuel funding in the Democratic presidential race.

Jul 23 2015

NPR Ombud Responds on FAIR Commentary Study

'Somewhat arbitrary,' though pretty much 'what NPR already knows'

National Public Radio ombud Elizabeth Jensen responds to FAIR’s study of NPR commentary, saying, “I find the specific numbers in the study somewhat arbitrary, even though the broad sweep of its conclusions pretty much echo what NPR already knows.”

Jul 2 2015

NPR Ombud Responds on ‘All-Corporate Lobbyist’ Alert

Report not as one-sided as FAIR claimed, Jensen said--but opposition voice would have strengthened it

Elizabeth Jensen talked to Neal Carruth, a senior editor on NPR’s business desk, who said that had the piece by Yuki Noguchi been longer, it “could have devoted more space to the opposition’s views regarding the business community’s win.” But, he said, “the piece did not ignore the opposition.”

May 5 2015

Chuck Todd Responds: Looking at Whether Meet the Press Mentioned Sanders or Not Is ‘Arbitrary’

Meet the Press host Chuck Todd responded to a complaint about his failure to mention Sen. Bernie Sanders’ announcement that he was running for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Aug 21 2014

NYT Responds on Torture

Public editor sees FAIR's point on Amnesty report

New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan responded to a FAIR Action Alert by saying that she agreed coverage of an Amnesty International report about US torture in Afghanistan “would have benefited Times readers.”

Nov 21 2013

CNN Doubles Down on Pro-Nuclear Bias

Answers petitions, critics, with more slanted commentary

FAIR and RootsAction presented CNN with a petition signed by over 27,000 activists, demanding the news network present a more balanced discussion of the nuclear power issue. CNN responded by compounding the bias with a post-show roundtable, Nuclear Power: The Fallout From Fear, that featured a panel just as slanted as its title.

Oct 15 2013

Washington Post OKs Covering Your Spouse’s PR Client

No conflict seen in Jerusalem reporter's husband representing Israel

The Washington Post responded to FAIR’s Action Alert about the Post’s Jerusalem bureau reporter, Ruth Eglash, whose husband’s links to the Israeli government pose a major conflict of interest. But the paper’s response–to the extent that it has any substance at all–seems to misconstrue what a conflict of interest is.