FAIR’s Action Alert network is a powerful activism tool that encourages the public to become critically engaged with media. FAIR distributes timely, focused reports via email, critiquing a particular instance of media inaccuracy or bias, and encourages members to communicate directly to journalists to demand more responsible reporting. This activism get results - we've forced rewrites of stories, propelled undercovered stories from the sidelines to the mainstream and succeeded in getting different perspectives into the news.

Feb 16 2017

ACTION ALERT: WaPo’s Post Live Series Is a Love Letter to Corporate Conflicts of Interest

Please contact the Washington Post and urge it to stop allowing corporations to sponsor events when they have a direct financial interest in the subject.

Jan 29 2017

ACTION ALERT: Tell CNN to Stop Using Trump Propaganda Term ‘Terror-Prone Countries’

Please contact CNN and tell the network to stop adopting the Trump administration’s “terror-prone” label as its own description of the countries targeted by Trump’s immigration order.

Jan 25 2017

Action Alert: NYT Turns to Oil Consultant to Minimize Trump’s Climate Damage

The New York Times minimizes Keystone’s impact on the climate, in the service of false balance and downplaying the impact of Trump’s anti-environmental moves.

Jun 7 2016

Action Alert: AP’s Premature Call for Clinton Does Disservice to Democracy

The Associated Press (6/6/16) has unilaterally declared Hillary Clinton to be “the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for president,” based on the news agency’s own polling of unelected superdelegates.

Feb 12 2016

ACTION ALERT: Stop Mega-Cable Merger to Avoid a Second Comcast

Americans who hate Comcast largely for reasons related to its very bigness are now facing the possibility of, essentially, another Comcast–as the result of a possible merger between Time Warner, Charter Communications and Bright House Networks.

Oct 26 2015

ACTION ALERT: NYT Claims Clinton ‘Emerging as Unrivaled Leader’ in Democratic Race

Hillary Clinton, the “unrivaled leader,” leads her closest rival, Bernie Sanders, by 7 percentage points in an average of recent polls in the first caucus state, Iowa. In the first primary state, New Hampshire, she trails Sanders by 2 points;

Oct 9 2015

ACTION ALERT: Why Do Conservatives Get to Question Candidates–but Not Progressives?

One of three panelists CNN selected for the Republican debate last month was conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. But at the upcoming Democratic debate, CNN is not planning to include a single progressive advocate among its panel of four questioners.

Oct 1 2015

Action Alert: New York Post Gets Ethel Rosenberg History Wrong

The New York Post reported that ” Ethel Rosenberg…was executed with her husband for treason.” That’s just wrong, and deserves a correction.